- thorny Eurasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries; established as an escape in eastern North America
How To Use whitethorn In A Sentence
- It resembles our little boreen, down to hedgerows of flowering whitethorn and grass growing in the middle of the road. Out of Ireland (3)
- Patients with heart disease are taking great interest in a small tree that may be more commonly called maybush, mayblossom, or whitethorn.
- However, there appear to be lots of hips on the dog-rose, haws on the whitethorn and sloes on the blackthorn.
- However, there appear to be lots of hips on the dog-rose, haws on the whitethorn and sloes on the blackthorn.
- The predominant species should be whitethorn but a small percentage of hazel, hornbeam or field maple may be added.
- A new hedge of native species such as blackthorn and whitethorn has been planted to screen the walk from the St George's Field car park.
- The whitethorn or the brown oak are made dearer things to me. Joshua Kryah reads “Where She Told Her Love” by John Clare
- We could climb over the low-growing hedges of lavender or box or rosemary, but every time he ducked under one of the high, clipped hedges planted in privet or briar or whitethorn, we had to go around. Secrets of the Tudor Court
- I wandered beside hedges of privet and whitethorn and between banks of rosemary and borders of lavender, inhaling their warm scents. Secrets of the Tudor Court
- Many of the alb-words are of course quite rare, or only in specialized* use, in English: albata ["white metal, German silver", SOED]; albugo ["=leucoma"; note Greek leukos, white]; albaspine ["whitethorn, hawthorn"]; and albite ["Min. ELVER AND ALBUM.