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  1. having open interstices or resembling a web

How To Use weblike In A Sentence

  • Venue crouched over the skeletal remains of a corsair, his long cobweblike hair matted to his yellowed skull. The Thieves of Darkness
  • Jenssen's placement of thin, spiderweblike shapes beneath heavier bodies of color gives these works a top-heavy feel, as if they risk collapsing beneath their own weight.
  • In the gathering darkness, the smoke rising across the way formed a gauzy, cobweblike curtain that ascended from the land to the sky. String Theory, Book 3: Evolution
  • I decided to paint the outline of gleeful Death in the cobweblike strands. All That Glitters
  • She marveled at how quickly the ice reasserted itself, at how delicately cobweblike were some of the structures around the sleeping old men. Soldiers Live
  • Thus, throughout the organization of the Oligarchy, our own organization, weblike and spidery, was insinuating itself. Chapter 18: The Shadow of Sonoma
  • The weblike character of the text means that each datum will ramify in implications throughout.
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