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  1. carrying weapons

How To Use weaponed In A Sentence

  • Hasan a steed of the best and equipped him in panoply and weaponed him with goodly weapons. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • You gotta be weaponed to live and to survive in the Detroit underground.
  • But on the third day came to Sir Hugh two stout carles well weaponed, who said that they knew well all the ways that led to Evilshaw, and the ways that went therethrough, and they offered themselves for a wage to Sir Hugh. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Once inside that building we had to be approved by another armed squad, pass through metal detectors, and have our belongings X-rayed while being scrutinized by even bigger, burlier, and more heavily beweaponed guards on the other side. Gwyneth Cravens: The Truth About Nuclear Energy
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