How To Use Wb In A Sentence
- To avoid leaving the center posts in the permanent work, two rows of temporary posts were placed, as shown by Fig. 1, Plate LX, the center wall and skewback were built, and the posts were removed, as shown by Fig. 2, Plate LX, before placing the remainder of the lining. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Cross-Town Tunnels. Paper No. 1158
- If this approach has a drawback, it is that the zealous pursuit of the founding principle—disinterring the buried life, stamped under the sod by conniving male partners—sometimes obscures the fact that not a great deal gets added to the wider cultural landscape it is bent on illuminating. A Far From Model Marriage
- Revenge is a by-the-book sequel, crowbarring in all of the memorable features of the first movie, spicing them up with even more ludicrous ultra violence and adding a few new twists to the tale.
- ‘On the 18th, we were ‘invaded’ by a flock of over 100 mixed redwings, grackles, starlings, and cowbirds that ate everything in sight and emptied the bird bath in minutes!’
- Their models are forts and castles, moats and drawbridges.
- Winter adds snowboarding, ice-skating, and cross-country and downhill skiing on the resort's groomed trails and ski slopes.
- For a picnic, chill the strawberries and cream separately, take them along in a cool box, and assemble them on site.
- Thus, transitive verbs in idiomatic expressions frequently will not passivize (the cowboy kicked the bucket, but not * the bucket was kicked by the cowboy). VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 4
- This is one of the main drawbacks of having a business carried on by a company.
- Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation