- a band of adjacent radio frequencies (e.g., assigned for transmitting radio or television signals)
How To Use waveband In A Sentence
- The spectral waveband is an important factor to be investigated in optical remote sensor design.
- Herschel Space Observatory will be the first space observatory covering the full far infrared and sub-millimetre waveband. MIND MELD: Interesting Areas of Scientific Research
- Over a full year of observations, the researchers focused on one particular blazar jet, 3C279, located in the constellation Virgo, monitoring it in many different wavebands: gamma-ray, X-ray, optical, infrared and radio. World-wide Campaign Sheds New Light on Nature's "LHC" | Universe Today
- I'm told they have radios tuned to police wavebands stuck out of sight under the dashboard.
- If you tried to reproduce this in paint, you would find that as the waveband narrows, the proportion of light relected gets less - i.e. the surface gets darker. Peak Saturation Value
- The blackbody spectrum at 293 K = 70 F peaks at 9.9 um and emits 32% of its total energy in the same waveband. Mann: "I Am Not A Statistician" « Climate Audit
- Dual waveband signals in high power laser welding were recorded and analyzed, especially, the law between the signals magnitude and the defocusing was discussed.
- Virtually all branches of astronomy outside the visual waveband went from scratch to today's stunning results in less time than elapsed between the discovery of Saturn's rings and its fourth brightest moon! Universe Puzzle No. 2 | Universe Today
- Of course, for the purpose of encoding specific messages we utilized a multiplexing technique across an entire waveband-but we also used frequency multipliers and pulse-burst transmission. Planet Mechanica
- Once the active waveband for melanoma induction is identified, an action spectrum can be constructed. Potential impacts of direct mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic