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How To Use Warhol In A Sentence

  • Update: BB commenter DHC says, It's worth noting that his is an outtake from a TV show that Warhol developed and aired on Manhattan cable. Boing Boing
  • Similarly, I might make a similar mistake with the Andy Warhol.
  • I also wonder about Depp and depth, or rather Depp and range, two elements consistently missing in his performances, bridled as they are by a post-Warholian lack of affect or commitment. Johnny Depp is back as a very different Hunter S Thompson
  • Andy Warhol's pictures of soup cans are a famous example of pop art.
  • Like Warhol, he began as a commercial artist and his art has its roots in advertising.
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  • I repeated the image and posterised it in an attempt to make it look like a Warhol repeat.
  • The most famous of the Pop artists, the cult figure Andy Warhol, recreated quasi-photographic paintings of people or everyday objects.
  • Callan finds a host of possibilities for this ‘punching’ process, including tapping Mac Zedong into Elvis in a Warhol monograph, and making layered, sculpturesque objects that look like topographical maps.
  • Sienna Miller, who stars opposite Jude Law in the upcoming "Alfie" remake, is in discussions to play Edie Sedgwick, a '60s icon and one of Andy Warhol's muses, in the indie feature "Factory Girl".
  • He's a curious figure - Oscar Wilde meets an Andy Warhol superstar with a punk-rock haircut, a coiffure he inflicted on himself the day after Joe Strummer died.
  • He plans to specialize in such masters as Picasso, Warhol, Yves Klein and Sonia and Robert Delaunay.
  • His Hollywood hills living room was transformed into a lurid cross between a bordello, a crack house, a late-night talk show, and Andy Warhol's Factory.
  • Not surprisingly, we can see an affinity to Warhol's early films in this series of paintings.
  • Postmodernists, on the other hand, are more multivocal in their viewpoint, holding that the ownership of concepts and words is less important than their relevance to culture-making; in art, for example, postmodernists will "appropriate" from anywhere and everywhere, and by redefining the context of the works or snippets, create something new (Andy Warhol's soup cans, above: using "fine art" painting methods to appropriate canned soup). Archive 2009-01-01
  • Hirst, as artist, curator and in his prime a cod philosopher of almost Warholian dumb articulacy, was the true author of British art's fame in the 1990s. The YBAs are over. Long live the OBAs!
  • If anything, it's closer to Andy Warhol's obsession with self-conscious celebrity, a world where apparently unqualified people could be turned into media icons.
  • What Andy Warhol said about professionals vs. amateurs is true not just in theatre, but in lots of DIY pursuits such as brewing your own beer. Boing Boing
  • They hung out with Andy Warhol and played his "Exploding Plastic Inevitable" multimedia assault, and then they basically invented the idea of jagged, noisy rock as an underground art form. Pitchfork: Latest News
  • Her particular mix goes beyond the vast documentation of Williams's life and work and includes the art films of Ryan Trecartin and Warhol collaborator Paul Morrissey , as well as Chinese Opera, porn, travel to New Orleans and the Greek fertility God, Priapus, whose iconic feature was an oversize, and permanent, erection. Exploring Tennessee Williams
  • You won't find hand-stitched flowery quilts or dried lavender sachets under your pillow, but you'll be surrounded by priceless works by Warhol, Arad, Araki and Noguchi. Coasting High in Provence
  • They've toured with both The Strokes and The Dandy Warhols, but don't let that fool you into thinking they're into sharp image-manipulation or limp boho affectation.
  • A handsome and mysterious stranger, an Argentine illegal worker (Demian Gabriel) arrives by fishing boat, and connects with an assortment of eccentrics, most notably an older woman (Warhol superstar Viva) who occupies a rundown and secluded oceanfront compound of old style, grand, shingled houses and bungalows. Regina Weinreich: Paul Morrissey Dishes on Acting School and Andy Warhol
  • Twice divorced, he lives alone in an Italian-style estate near the sere hills of north Phoenix, where he is surrounded by citrus and pecan trees and paintings by Andy Warhol.
  • The designs, which recall both asterisks and shamrocks, also circle back to the Warhol-inspired dingbats of Daisy Chain, and the color reinforces the theme of luck.
  • In fact the string quartet was Nasa's idea, the product of an arts programme that, over the past 30 years, has commissioned work from artists including Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg.
  • Danto mistakenly based his original argument on Warhol's all-too distinguishable Brillo Boxes.
  • Andy Warhol's pictures of soup cans are a famous example of pop art.
  • At times it was like being in a Mayfair disco or Warhol Happening, as drawings, photographs and digital images slowly teemed, swarmed, morphed and mutated over walls and ceilings.
  • ‘Pop Art’ was the dominating art movement, represented by artists like Andy Warhol or Roy Lichtenstein.
  • Paul Normansell could be described as a modern-day Andy Warhol because like Warhol, he plays around with the notion of artistically tweeking current pop culture icons. TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends
  • He was showing arti sts like Warhol and Fluxus and then he headed the Menil Collection in Houston. Jack of All Spades
  • At the time, Warhol was recovering from SCUM gunwoman Valerie Solanas 'murder attempt while also filming movies at a prodigious rate and embarking on road trips to show them at universities across the United States. ARTINFO: ANDY WARHOL: 8 Surprising Insights from "The Autobiography and Sex Life of Andy Warhol"
  • Andy Warhol's provocative slogan, 'Everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes', became a sixties byword.
  • Andy Warhol's pictures of soup cans are a famous example of pop art.
  • Like Warhol, he began as a commercial artist and his art has its roots in advertising.
  • Warhol in his platinum wig posed as Christ, although his nickname at the times was Drella, a compound of Cinderella and Dracula.
  • Warhol is now canonized as one of the most important artists of the twentieth century
  • The bewigged Warhol predicted he would not survive the hospital when he went in for a routine operation, and he was right. Regina Weinreich: Andy Warhol's Last Decade at the Brooklyn Museum and Remembered at the New York Public Library: Please Sign My Banana
  • Beaton posed the hollow-eyed Warhol between to pretty, bare-chested boys in a pastiche of a Renaissance painting.
  • Brent Birnbaum, an artist working in collage with found materials, offered the most charming answer in describing the relationship between his collage of price tags and the book Popism: The Warhol Sixties: "Seeing the world as a shopping mall for art material is what that book freed me to do. Risa Shoup: Used Books, New Ideas
  • Brought on as a "new, hip Charles Kuralt," Gary Weis 'films all had a "truthy" feel to them, meaning that they weren't necessarily out for laughs, but offered up material from real people that couldn't have been scripted, like Andy Warhol staple Taylor Mead talking to his cat. Jamie Frevele: The SNL Shorts: Part 1 - The Beginning of Creative Anarchy
  • And this is Warhol's attempt to describe the latter, apparently.
  • Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg and, most especially, Warhol rose to greatness through their mastery of serigraphy.
  • Andy Warhol's provocative slogan, 'Everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes', became a sixties byword.
  • It's a good painting at a good price—a starter Warhol—but someone else is willing to go to almost $1.5 million.
  • The best known contemporary statement on the subject is Andy Warhol's, but it is routinely misapplied.
  • Andy Warhol had got up early in his mother's old house on East 66th Street, Manhattan, to catch the match on the TV networks.
  • For those who may have been living under the proverbial rock, Andy Warhol is perhaps the most well-known American artist of the twentieth century.
  • Parisian street scenes, impressionistic landscapes, Rembrandt and Andy Warhol are popular on the islands these days.
  • What won't be unusual to many is the banal content of Warhol's utterances, his obsession with trivialities, and his seeming shallowness.
  • It was through an email blast (a mass online mailing) that British actress Claire Forlani sent out an almost 500-word condemnation of Malibu, California art dealer Paul Rusconi for selling her what she called counterfeited paintings by artists Keith Haring and William Claxton, as well as overcharging her for works by Andy Warhol. Daniel Grant: Don't Criticize Your Art Dealer Online
  • Using his early films, like Vinyl, to document dance styles, such as the frug, Warhol records different ways of posturing.
  • But the essence of pop, as practiced by Warhol or Lichtenstein, was brasher: the shocking elevation of the everyday, the heroization of the disposable. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines -
  • Even Andy Warhol's sixties pop art was a study of the power of iconography and branding.
  • Among the many illustrations in this new book are previously unpublished photographs by Warhol.
  • Even his book jacket photo polarizes: is that the Dark Prince leering mischievously into the camera, Andy Warhol on drugs, or a dashing rebel smiling beneficently as he prepares to smash the state? April « 2007 « Bill Ayers
  • Several of Warhol's friends and hangers-on were interviewed for the documentary.
  • Both Warhol and Rauschenberg extended the technique by screenprinting a design onto a canvas to serve as the basis of a painting.
  • Apart from anything else, his avuncular visage is no good at all for t-shirts and Warholian silk screens.
  • The March 30th issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, with a Warholian zebrafish cover, features a study from Washington U. where the fish were raised under strictly aseptic (gnotobiotic) conditions.
  • Warhol used everyday items as the raw ingredients of his art.
  • Andy Warhol's pictures of soup cans are a famous example of pop art.
  • The political significance of the vulgarization of high culture is exemplified in the more complicated case of Andy Warhol.
  • By adding a selection of pieces by artists who were inspired by da Vinci, including Cy Twombly, George Grosz, Andy Warhol and Marcel Duchamp, the show also explores the impact that Leonardo and his thinking have had on the modern world. What's On Around Europe
  • Demolition is a gorgeously quirky melodic delight with a breathily affecting vocal that is Debbie Harry-ish in its Warholian knowingness. Mr Little Jeans (No 906)
  • By adopting a close-up, frontal viewpoint that monumentalized the object against a white ground, Warhol clearly took on the tradition of still-life painting, but he combines the implacable objectivity of the Soup Cans with an impenetrable graphic style, tracing his images directly from photographs or used stencils in order to facilitate the precise mechanical mode to which he aspired. Antique News News!
  • He has a collection of art by Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and Roy Lichtenstein and an elaborate model railroad set.
  • It 's possible: Rembrandt, Pollack and Warhol all sold on the street before they got their 15 jillion minutes of fame. Sidewalk Impressionism
  • If you've ever seen Andy Warhol's Trash or Flesh, you'll recognize bits and pieces of those films' grimy vérité style at work here.
  • Who knows what's around the corner among the more than 30,000 works covering the past 7,000 years: an ancient Greek idol, a splendid medieval manuscript, a Rembrandt portrait, a rarely seen Impressionist painting, an Andy Warhol attention-getter or a 21st-century up-and-coming ceramist? The Art World's Yearly Pilgrimage
  • The result is an intellectual history of Warhol, bucking the trend toward the star-studded VH1-ization of biodocs and constructed with a mission to dispel the artist's own self-created image as high-fashion hobnobber in favor of a more profound depiction. GreenCine Daily
  • Brought on as a "new, hip Charles Kuralt," Gary Weis' films all had a "truthy" feel to them, meaning that they weren't necessarily out for laughs, but offered up material from real people that couldn't have been scripted, like Andy Warhol staple Taylor Mead talking to his cat. Jamie Frevele: The SNL Shorts: Part 1 - The Beginning of Creative Anarchy
  • This merchandise includes not only framed and unframed prints and posters of Warhol's most famous works, but also Warhol-inspired housewares, home decor, fashion accessories and much more.
  • Works by Gordon Parks and Andy Warhol are included, along with many lesser-known and folk artists.
  • Consumer Culture (1960-63) chronicles American Pop's explosion, from Roy Lichtenstein's cartoon-based paintings to Claes Oldenburg's Store and Andy Warhol's Factory.
  • But whereas with a single image of Rembrandt or Van Gogh we might feel a sense of communion or sympathy, with Warhol we simply find ourselves staring into the void.
  • Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe images are on display, as well as several Picasso nudes and Rodin sculptures, including The Kiss.
  • He was a beat in the 50s, met and performed with Warhol in the early 60s, was always on the edge of everything.
  • He recently sought permission from the court to sell off some possessions to pay his expenses, including a $40,000-to-$60,000 Andy Warhol print entitled "Liz," which he identified as a gift from the artist, glass frogs and other figurines, a presidential-inaugural medal collection and jewelry from his mother. The Case of the Disappearing Documents
  • Tinted prints of Andy Warhol's inflated ‘silver clouds’ dangled on filaments in the first and second galleries.
  • Somewhere between Warhol and ‘Laugh-In’, their stark pastels recreate a time that might have sort of existed but probably didn't, when everyone wore cardigans and comb-overs; danced stiltedly to fey pop music; read Marx for pleasure.
  • And in fact there was an adumbrative whisper of Warholian values to come in a letter Demuth wrote to Alfred Stieglitz in 1927.
  • At times Fitzmaurice comes on like latterday high-speed Warhol. This week's new exhibitions
  • His writings on Warhol, for instance, are invigoratingly enthusiastic. An Eye on the Tremors
  • As point of comparison [this may be embarrassing to someone, but I'm sorry: the story is too funny], a certain fellow canvasser while I in the office, Brad W., once found himself at the door with Courtney Taylor-Taylor of the Dandy Warhols [whom Brad instantly recognized], who came to the door with an irritated: "Uh . . . you interrupted my nap! Here's a five (5) question "POP QUIZ" about ME!
  • Do you want greasy blue smudges coming through your new Andy Warhol print?
  • In a current exhibition Pop - The Continuing Influence of Popular Culture on Contemporary Art - the centre has been showing off works by Mr Warhol as well as songster John Lennon's wife Yoko Ono.
  • (Too Soon), a follow up to his I Bought Andy Warhol, because I find the title truly heart-breaking and a real Warhol puzzler. David Finkle: Books, Books and More Books, or Tote That Bookbag
  • USCO, a group of artists, engineers, and poets who created intermedia environments; La Monte Young's Theatre of Eternal Music; Andy Warhol's Factory; Nam June Paik's video performances; Terry Riley's minimalist music -- these were master classes in the radical epistemology of a set of ideas involving feedback and information. John Brockman: The Edge Annual Question 2010: How Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?
  • Warhol used everyday items as the raw ingredients of his art.
  • Warhol not only painted and lithographed and sketched, he produced and he photographed, dabbling in both music (The Velvet Underground, Nico) and film.
  • Like the Warhol quote, it's a movie that has been routinely misdescribed since.
  • Warhol would babysit Bianca's daughter Jade at his studio, the Factory, while Bianca — now a human-rights activist — took her place among the jet set.
  • You won't find hand-stitched flowery quilts or dried lavender sachets under your pillow, but you'll be surrounded by priceless works by Warhol, Arad, Araki and Noguchi. Coasting High in Provence
  • Now, 35 years later, Andy Warhol's Interview magazine is credited with inventing 'sleb' culture, says Colin McDowell
  • The ensuing relationship was one of several associations between Zanzibar filmmakers and Warhol's factory scene.
  • With the exception of some Warholian meanderings of the camera, the scene is shot in the unornamented style of direct cinema (another movement concerned with an authentic, unmediated art).
  • Other works that Rubin shot while in Warhol's circle, called the ‘Up-Tight’ series, are in the Museum of Modern Art's Warhol film collection, but are unrestored and in a cold storage facility, where no one can see them.
  • Warhol devised the most telling face of fame - wan, bleached out, with a camera hanging from the neck.
  • After a period in which Andy Warhol and others fascinatingly blurred photography and painting, many portraitists responded to this competition with so-called photorealism. The Guardian World News
  • In a sense Warhol became a kind of superrealist of his time, and that he's really real I think appeals to young people: you see, you look, you rebel, you move on. Kerry's Secret Sauce
  • Andy Warhol would have approved of the rampant hipsterism at his museum Friday.
  • With the figures of Duchene, Warhol and Sherman as anchors, Sobieszek ranges a near full history of physiognomy, pathognomy and phrenology from Aristotle to Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari.
  • Hence the Warhol-designed mélange of exclamation-point heels and high-button boots that covers the flacon. August 2008
  • Perhaps, too, this is symbolic of a psychological disruption as Warhol the man attempts to reclaim himself from Warhol the legend.

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