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wake-up call

  1. a warning to take action concerning something that was overlooked or neglected
    the bombing was a wake-up call to strengthen domestic security
  2. a telephone call that you request be made a specific time in order to wake you up at that time (especially in hotels)
    she left a wake-up call for 7 a.m.

How To Use wake-up call In A Sentence

  • The window must have clonked itself open and shut at least a dozen times before the ‘tchay-kahve’ wake-up call signalled a close of play.
  • And just in case you drift a little too deeply into dreamland, the hotel offers a guaranteed wake-up call or that night is free.
  • Three distinguished professors send this memo - Five Half-truths of Business - as a wake-up call.
  • ‘It was kind of a wake-up call that we're not untouchable,’ said Logan, who lives in the District.
  • I'm told the tune is a huge pop anthem that will serve as a wake-up call to her diva rivals. The Sun
  • After that wake-up call, we cruise alertly through a terraced landscape of peach and apple orchards.
  • This is a wake-up call for all historians, libraries, museums and archives to protect and preserve their material by microfilming them.
  • And yet, with his oddball, confusional comic style, he is an important wake-up call. Pattern Interruption Hall of Fame: Zach Galifianakis
  • The Ambassador said he hoped the statement would serve as a wake-up call to the government.
  • The next morning, drumming snipe provide my wake-up call, and, in soft sunshine, I wander down to the shore.
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