a member of a strictly orthodox Sunni Muslim sect from Saudi Arabia; strives to purify Islamic beliefs and rejects any innovation occurring after the 3rd century of Islam
Osama bin Laden is said to be a Wahhabi Muslim
How To Use Wahabi In A Sentence
- Iran-Israel Conflict a Growing Concern I was watching another youtubers video and grabed a screen-shot to show you, it says the Iran bomber drone is aimed at Israel. death to these shaytan parasts = taliban!! taliban beheading suicid bomber bombers afghan afghanistan madrassa islam muslim osama binladen al qaeda ramadan wahabi arab arabian world pashtun pashtunwali culture pathan tribal areas pakistan iran ahmadinejad kabul kandahar usa obama drones irak war - Articles related to Iran unveils bomber drone that aims to deliver peace and friendship
- It looked for a moment as though the Wahabis were to sweep the East and puritanize all The New World of Islam
- The truth about the Taliban death to these shaytan parasts = taliban!! taliban beheading suicid bomber bombers afghan afghanistan madrassa islam muslim osama binladen al qaeda ramadan wahabi arab arabian world pashtun pashtunwali culture pathan tribal areas pakistan iran ahmadinejad kabul kandahar usa obama drones irak war - Articles related to Iran unveils bomber drone that aims to deliver peace and friendship