How To Use Vulpecula In A Sentence
- However, rufous hare-wallaby Lagorchestes hirsutus (R), burrowing bettong Bettongia lesueur (R) and common brush-tail possum Trichosurus vulpecula have been eradicated in the past 80 years although reintroduction is being considered. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia
- Closed forests are inhabited by three species of arboreal mammals, common ring-tail possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus, common brush-tail possum Trichosurus vulpecula and eastern pygmy-possum Cercartetus nanus, and many birds such as endemic green rosella Platycercus caledonicus and swift parrot Lathamus discolor. Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
- Photoelectric Observations of the R.cent Eclipse of 22 Vulpeculae by D.R. Faulkner 1984 Information Bulletin on Variable Stars No. 2599. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
- In addition, there has been marked reduction in the range of the Carpentarian antechinus (Pseudantechinus mimulus VU) and brush-tailed possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Mitchell grass downs
- The new nova, known as V458 Vulpeculae, provides an important test for models of how stars evolve. Space News From SpaceDaily.Com