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volcanic rock

  1. extrusive igneous rock solidified near or on the surface of the Earth

How To Use volcanic rock In A Sentence

  • The presence of extrusive volcanic rocks during the rifting stages suggests that a large volume of melt may also have been added to the crust intrusively.
  • Porous volcanic rock called pumice and Southern pine bark. RSS
  • During the middle to late Tertiary Period, dikes, sills, and small irregular bodies of mafic to silicic igneous material were intruded into the bedded sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
  • The rocks are argillaceous, sericitic and chloritic, metamorphosed slates and schists, sedimentary pre Jura-trias slates, and ancient devitrified volcanic rocks. North Carolina and its Resources.
  • The original inhabitants carved them from soft volcanic rock and almost all are positioned around the coast facing inland. Times, Sunday Times
  • A major source of iron, called iron laterite, is a type of residual deposit generated by the intense weathering of iron-rich rocks such as mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks.
  • It has its own yoga and massage room hewn from volcanic rock, while the more active can take part in cycling, surfing and photography classes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The carrier of the modified filter medium is the volcanic rock coated with a polycondensate modifier.
  • The Southern Highland Group, consisting of greywacke, shale, limestone and volcanic rock, forms the top of the Dalradian succession.
  • In addition, volcanic rocks and intrusions of this age are distributed widely around the western and southern perimeter of the basin.
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