How To Use vitalist In A Sentence
- This is fully compatible with a vitalist/idealist/panpsychist view that has become a strong player in consciousness explorations. Alpha Centauri U., BioEvolution 7314
- Another alternative that I find very attractive is some strain of the vitalist/idealist/panpsychist/panentheistic worldview. Another Chink in a Worldview's Armor?
- Woodger saw the issues in the mechanist-vitalist debate as more complex than either side admitted. Life
- Carmine in ammonia is not the only solution that may aid science in the investigations now being carried forward by the vitalists and non-vitalists with so much bitterness and asperity of feeling between them; and now that Professor Beale has made _his_ happy discovery, it is by no means certain that some other equally persistent worker in this interesting field of inquiry may not hit upon quite as happy a discovery in the same or some equivalent direction -- one that shall throw the bioplasmic theory as far into the shade as Mr. Cook thinks the bioplasts have already thrown the cells. Life: Its True Genesis
- What is the value of a vitalist materialism compared to say Adorno's materialist ontology?
- If Dennett is a materialist, and he admits that subjective experience is real — and he is an anti-vitalist and anti-dualist — then he must also be a panpsychist. 2010 February « Anglican Samizdat