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  1. a European river; flows into the Baltic Sea

How To Use Vistula In A Sentence

  • Possession of Warsaw and nearby Modlin gave Napoleon a strong strategic position, for the rivers Narew, Bug and Ukra flowed into the Vistula in this vicinity, providing several possible lines of operations for the next spring. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • The plan appeared virtually infallible; even if the Russians pressed Jerome hard in the early days, he would still be able to seek sanctuary behind the fortifications of the Rivers Narew and Vistula, and the general effect would be the same; Bagration would be trapped as before, but with the Vistula to his front instead of the River Bug. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • The great rivers of Asia and Europe, the Volga and Kama, the Don and Borysthenes, the Vistula and Danube, they either swam with their horses or passed on the ice, or traversed in leathern boats, which followed the camp, and transported their wagons and artillery. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The Soviets had advanced a long way from the Vistula, but fortified pockets of German troops remained — around Königsberg, the old Prussian capital, and Danzig, at the mouth of the Vistula; at Breslau, in Silesia, and the Hungarian capital, Budapest, where they were desperately withstanding a siege that was to last six weeks and to tie down R.Y. Malinovsky's army group. The Nazis' Last Stand
  • The mountain Soevo, which he describes as forming a vast bay called Codanus, extending to the promontory of the Cimbri, is supposed by some to be the mountains that run along the Vistula on the eastern extremity of Germany, and by others to be that chain of mountains which commence at Gottenburgh. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 18 Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation, and Commerce, from the Earliest Records to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century, By William Stevenson
  • Should I drown myself in the Vistula?
  • [Sidenote A: _Dabulam_, a fertile place in Arabia.] [Sidenote B: _Scænits_, be a people in Arabia, that dwell altogither in tents.] [Sidenote C: _Sauromatans_, be people of Sarmatia, which is a large cuntry, reaching frõ Germany & the riuer Vistula to Hycænia, and is deuided into two parts Europea and Asiatica.] Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • He adds that on the Vistula front the ground which offers the Russians the greatest advantage is that with Brest Litovsk as a base, Ivangorod on the right flank and a strong army occupying the flank and rear positions in relation to the right flank of General von Boehm-Ermolli's Army. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915
  • The wily battery commander had hammered his guns into the frozen Vistula River.
  • The tree of heaven opposite the church of Saints Peter and Paul was still entombed deep inside its branches but the faintest yellow-green fuzz had begun to blur the outline of willows on the banks of the River Vistula.
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