How To Use Virilization In A Sentence
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Rational Review
Clinical clues to possible hyperandrogenism in women include dysmenorrhea, virilization, and severe acne.
Adverse effects such as virilization are few and can be minimized with reduction of the dosage.
Acne of infancy occurs in infants between three months and two years of age and there is usually a positive family history; consider comedogenic agents, virilization, and candidiasis.
Administration of glucocorticoids inhibits excessive production of androgens, prevents progressive virilization, and stabilizes renin levels.

When women take exogenous androgens, the same irreversible virilization occurs.
However, at puberty testosterone production usually increases and is enough to cause virilization, so in such cases where the child identifies strongly with a female role it is advisable to perform a gonadectomy before puberty.
Transsexual Causation, the American Psychiatric Association, and Interpol
My herb pills (got in Belgium) for my infertility, virilization, acne, hirsutism, etc problems has almost run out.
Patients are often concerned about the physical manifestations of this disorder, including virilization and acanthosis nigricans, and may be less aware of systemic problems.