How To Use vino In A Sentence
- No entiendo por que le dicen arrogante a un periodista que dice la verdad a los oyentes, al pan pan y al vino vino eso es malo? Global Voices in English » Ecuador: The Departure of a Television Anchor
- There were about 35 of us there, lots of friendly people, some gorgeous food, plentiful vino and lots of cheesy dancing!
- Where even the vinously literate search in vain for clues, getting down on their knees to turn over handfuls of soil or gazing down from the crest of the slope in utter bewilderment.
- I lately had occasion to justify an action to a man," went on Clowes, "but, no, the scurvy fellow would put no faith in my words, insisting that the person I sought to clear was covinous and tricky, and wholly unworthy of trust. Janice Meredith
- City special mention should be made of the sanctuary of the Madonna del Divino Amore (of the Divine Love) on the Via Ardeatina, near an old castle of the Orsini, which is visited by a great concourse of people ou Whit-Monday. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
- Changing tastes in grape variety have also conspired against the humble canned vino.
- The Vino Nobile of the firm and drying tannins was a 2003 and had some unappealing overcooked fruit aromas going on. Sasha Smith
- Sansovino could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
- For Trevino, his clients, anyone on the short end, there's no mistaking that law is the handmaid to power, and power is something the vast majority of people here haven't got enough of.
- For the rest, I recall a gaunt Baptist in wood, said to be by Donatello, on one of the altars to the left of the choir; and the bronze Baptist in the Baptistery, less realistic, by Sansovino; the pretty figures of A Wanderer in Venice