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  1. being one more than six

How To Use vii In A Sentence

  • Here were found a number of statues bearing cuniform inscriptions, Hittite inscriptions and two long Aramean inscriptions of the VIII or IX century B.C. M. Helévy, the well-known French Orientalist, was sent by the The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1
  • As Folger Theatre continually reminds us in its sturdily acted, becomingly visual "Henry VIII," history is in the imaginative mind of the conjurer -- in this case, William Shakespeare. Theater review: Folger Theatre's 'Henry VIII'
  • Myra (Acts, xxvii, 5), not in the Vulg., but should be read instead of Lystra. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • The rules governing the use of the Royal Standard were tightened during the reign of Edward VII.
  • At Laufen (Oflag VII-C) and later at Eichstätt (Oflag VII-B—close to the limestone quarry where the first archaeopteryx remains had been found), he watched birds that came through the camp wire to breed. A Year on the Wing
  • His desire to realize Henry VIII's plan to subdue French influence in Scotland and achieve the union of the Crowns became an obsession.
  • The present Kew Bridge was opened by King Edward VII and is correctly named "King Edward Bridge".
  • Note 99: Rafael Muñoz Garrido, "Empiricos sanitarios españoles de los siglos XVI y XVII," Cuadernos de historia de la medicina española, Vol. 6, 1967, pp. 101 – 33, esp.p. 102. back Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Imposition of hands was a ceremony used especially in paternal blessings; Jacob used it when he blessed and adopted the sons of Joseph, Gen. xlviii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Remember, if you will (I certainly do), that one of the selling points of the post-VII "reforms" was that they enriched Catholic life and worship by making them relevant and immediate rather than old-fashioned (for which read "dignified") and outdatedly stiff (for which read "reverent"). You report: Promotional Posters for the Traditional Latin Mass
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