How To Use Vigour In A Sentence
That I did not drop it into a cageful of terrier-pups was wholly due to the native vigour with which _Striatus_ hung on.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 1920-02-04
We may hear about it in a very short time; the preparations are made meanwhile with more vigour than before; & we must hope that the honour of the country will be in short regained, but when
Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
Verizon Wireless done transparent from the start that the Droid smartphone was designed to put vigour upon Apple, the builder of the iPhone, as well as AT&T (T), the exclusive U.S. iPhone carrier.
RIM May Feel Android Effect | Hottest News at 365Daynews.Com
On the other hand, a vine with a small and/or unhealthy root system, be it due to shallow soil, drought, root pests such as phylloxera, or diseases such as armillaria root rot, will support only low-vigour growth.
On lui appliqua, en outre, pour sa friponnerie, une vigoureuse bastonnade.
French Conversation and Composition

Between them stood Yatpan, revivified and full of vigour, with all his strength.
Woods has chased titles and money with equal vigour since he broke onto the professional golf tour in 1996.
His health and vigour were unimpaired by a stroke.
He insisted on showing us how hard it was to break their horny structures - just as well, in view of the vigour of his demonstration.
It is perfectly justifiable for him to seek redress - and he intends to do so with vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
A brief rest restored the traveler's vigour.
Many of the men one sees in audiences are considerably younger but lack the youthful vigour of conductors.
In the matches against Celtic these clubs played with an admirable fire and vigour.
Thompson, who impresses with his vigour, drive and forthrightness, should not be hung out to dry for doing what, in all honesty, any new owner would have undertaken.
He disputed this apparently plausible report with some vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
This is a sentence that, in my dotage, is far less likely to pass my lips and fingertips than it once was, back when I was positively dripping with vim and vigour.
That said, other scenes have the vigour and messy vitality that the best Russian cinema seems to be able to capture so well at the moment.
Times, Sunday Times
Browning laid the scene of his poem in Germany, save perhaps the use of such words as "thorp" and "croft," but there is a clean, pure morning light playing through the verse, a fresh, health-breathing northern air, which does not fit in with Italy; a joyous, buoyant youthfulness in the song and march of the students who carry their master with gay strength up the mountain to the very top, all of them filled with his aspiring spirit, all of them looking forward with gladness and vigour to life -- which has no relation whatever to the temper of Florentine or
The Poetry Of Robert Browning
Unlike most wunderkinds, who usually decline into dull middle age, Rattle is already a great, but a great who - without losing the vigour - is clearly maturing with every performance.
You can ask them to shut up, of course, but they will only look incredulous and then carry right on with renewed vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
He is full of vim and vigour today, too.
Times, Sunday Times
She could tell by his uneven gait, the way he swung out both of his arms with a disproportionate vigour.
Then it comes to life and continues nourishing itself on this food and on devout meditation until it has attained full vigour, which is the essential point, for I attach no importance to the rest.
The Interior Castle or The Mansions
That is his God, his Christ, his worship; that he preaches, that he discourseth of, that he labours to propagate, until, by the righteous judgment of God, it comes to pass that such men in all other things wither and die away, all the sap and vigour of their spirits feeding that one monstrous excrescency, which they grow up daily into.
The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
However, in March 1676, the King commanded them to execute these laws with renewed vigour.
The food was delicious, the wine imbibed with much vigour and the ambience tranquil yet mellow, hearty yet calm.
Its functions are viscidity, nourishment, the binding of joints, the solidarity of the body, and the maintenance of sexual vigour.
His book is written with considerable vigour.
In contrast to his vigour and emotional buoyancy later in seeing off the so-called fuel blockade, this dark episode was equally to infuriate, exhaust and exasperate the First Minister.
The luminary was a golden-haired, beaming, mild-eyed, God-like creature, gazing down in the vigour and intentness of youth upon an earth that was brimming with interest for him.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
For Frank Lenahan, a University Cafe stalwart enjoying a mid-morning coffee with his friends, however, the soap ‘lacked the vigour and pith of Scottish life’.
Where the vines have marked vigour, the bunches which hang below the leafy canopy are in shade, with predictable negative effects on wine quality.
He was rather below the middle stature, but the breadth of his shoulders, length and brawniness of his arms, and the muscular appearance of the whole man, argued a most unusual share of strength, and a frame kept in vigour by constant exercise.
The Fair Maid of Perth
They can erase the traces of human settlement with such vigour that, often, nothing remains of a civilisation except a few potsherds, coins and glass beads.
A succinct style lends vigour to writing.
In an overwhelmingly male milieu, the diminutive Borda added verve and vigour.
The quick, compact vigour of his service causes a wind that sends his untucked shirt halfway up his back.
In the British system of local government, gradually evolved from the experience of the past and carefully upbuilt in accordance with modern democratic institutions to suit every local condition, we have a system which contains all the wisdom of the old with all the utilitarianism and democratic vigour of the young, combined with a remarkable adaptability to local conditions and even local prejudices.
Britain's Experience of Public Ownership
It is the same land, which stands firmer than any rock in the world, with its undying vigour, indestructible life.
So far as we could judge, the attitude of hospital administrators was a self-defeating mixture of overcaution in small matters and lack of vigour in important ones.
Henry’s Demons
A crisp, chill wind bit at our exposed faces as we walked along designated walkways to the terminal; despite the cold, I found an extra vigour in my step.
He defended his beliefs with vigour, but in the end was overwhelmed by the flood of insult and calumny to which he was subjected.
It is all done with great vigour.
The Times Literary Supplement
Pure breeding produces more uniform stock but the advantages of cross-breed vigour are lost.
To regain the lost glory and vigour, prosperity and happiness, to fulfil our destined role of spreading real joy and spirituality in the whole human race, let us sing with the Rishis of Rig Veda.
Reflections on his vigour (a bounder), corporal proportion (a billsticker), commercial ability (a bester), impressionability (a boaster).
You go home, brimming with new political vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
I read with some kind of misgiving a statement at the CRTC hearing which says "lack of determination, vigour and purpose in addressing the objectives of Parliament".
The National Broadcasting Dream
The vigour is evident again now, along with the humour in that still boyish face.
Times, Sunday Times
This was a rare man, a master of pen and sword who plugged his own almost superhuman vigour into the power-source of revolutionary faith.
There is something inspiring about vigour in old age.
Times, Sunday Times
His ceaseless energy could therefore be read as undimmed vigour or rising panic, depending on your perspective.
The vigour, originality and abstractness are as commandingly present as ever.
The Times Literary Supplement
The Korean fans are banging drums and urging their team on with even more vigour.
They wiggle their behinds, pull faces, and dance with newfound vigour, passion and excitement, all the while giggling uncontrollably at their reflections on our car.
The revolution troubled me because of the incredible dynamic vigour that penetrated you completely, exceeded your imagination, unfolded in your own inner world.
There is a kind of onyx called a chalcedony, which hath the same qualities, [4151] avails much against fantastic illusions which proceed from melancholy, preserves the vigour and good estate of the whole body.
Anatomy of Melancholy
The violins, viola and cello were played with great vigour, intensity and lyrical beauty.
Lord Wellington is, for you, only a decayed old gentleman now: I rather think some of you have called him a 'dotard' - you have taunted him with his age, and the loss of his physical vigour.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
Taken together, that is hardly an unequivocal sign of economic vigour.
These two young sides played the game with freshness, with vigour and with total commitment.
Active, inquisitive, resolute, and possessing a fair share of the national _perfervidum ingenium_, not without some tincture of those elements of the Scottish character known as the "canny" and the "dour," our worker early developed that robust vigour of mind and body which has so long stood the wear and tear of severely trying work.
God's Answers A Record of Miss Annie Macpherson's Work at the Home of Industry, Spitalfields, London, and in Canada
This long satiric parable of a society where human beings find themselves transformed into monkeys recalls Swift in its ambition and scatological vigour.
The vigour of our country is no stronger than the vitality and will of all our countrymen.
Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigour.
A brief rest restored the traveller's vigour.
Empire, in its universal impoverishment and its lack of any critical vigour, to the well-meaning but devitalizing autocracy of the Emperor
The Shape of Things to Come
You really do not expect a fellow human being to wantonly attack your livelihood with such punishing vigour and regularity.
And until we do the same, we shall forever be trapped within the prison-house of our preferences, by our Darwinian sense that youth, vigour and health represent the prime of life and the acme of desirability.
It is not only an essential adjunct to ceremonials, adding a mirthful dimension to martial pomp and vigour, but also possesses a vast potential as a medium of cultural entertainment.
'gentlefolk' in the book are the merest marionettes, but there are descriptive passages of first-rate vigour, and the voice of wisdom is heard from the lips of an early Greek choregus in the figure of an old parson called Mr. Wyvern.
The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigour.
But there is this kind of stoicism about the inevitably of not getting a conviction and then they don't pursue cases with great vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
And, again with the exception of Basle, the urban patriciates showed unexpected vigour in moving to repress the rebels.
But Collins's eyes had read health, vigour, and long life, as well as laughableness of appearance and action in the long-eared hybrid.
I began to pole and pray with a vigour which would have astonished any monk.
It has no vigour or energy.
Times, Sunday Times
With decuple vigour the stench now rose close to hand.
Bakemono Yashiki (The Haunted House), Retold from the Japanese Originals Tales of the Tokugawa, Volume 2
At least it must be left an open question as to whether the impulsive and domineering vigour of the West is preferable to the "mildness" of the East.
India, Its Life and Thought
He had even locked the front door and was sunk down on a chair, his teeth clappering with vigour and regularity.
Gänsemännchen. English
Winter chilling has two principal effects: it removes dormancy, so that when warm conditions return in the spring the plants have renewed vegetative vigour.
With regard to those who have already passed147 the vigour of early manhood, and on whom the highest magistracies henceforth devolve, there is a like contrast.
The Polity of the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians
And Des works out in his home gym to keep up with her youthful vigour.
She could tell by his uneven gait, the way he swung out both of his arms with a disproportionate vigour.
The task of establishing and encouraging national cultural activities was pursued with some vigour by the new ministry.
Strong gusts of wind rattled the shutters in their frames, driving the rain against the slate roof with such vigour it sounded like hail.
She has the vigour and radiance of someone young enough to be her grand-daughter.
LEGENDRE in VIGOUROUX, Dict. de la Bible (1891), s.v.; DE VOGUEE, La
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
When the moment came, the buffs took to their feet with pep and vigour.
This state has been absurdly enough called the atonic gout, as if there were a gout accompanied with vigour and sthenic diathesis: but the absence of inflammation in the extremities may depend on two causes.
Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
The exception indicated the ever relentless vigour with which society frowned upon her sin.
A brief rest restored the traveler's vigour.
There is always something about cricket at Scarborough that demands new vigour from a footsore Yorkshire side.
Andrew Gale puts wind in Yorkshire sails against Worcestershire
You have Grecian monuments, if anything so misplaced can be called Grecian, imbedded against and cutting into Gothic pillars; the doors shut for the greater part of the day; only a little bit of the building used: beadledom predominant; the clink of money here and there; white-wash in vigour; the singing indifferent; the sermons not indifferent but bad; and some visitors from London forming, perhaps, the most important part of the audience; in fact, the thing having become a show.
Friends in Council — First Series
He spoke of the long moonless night lyings-in - wait, the pestilential fens, the rivers envenomed by leaves of poison-plants, the deep snow-drifts, the scorching suns, the scorpions, and rains of grasshoppers; he also descanted on the peculiarities of the great lions of the Atlas, their way of fighting, their phenomenal vigour; and their ferocity in the mating season.
Tartarin of Tarascon
However, a few years on and no longer buckling a swash with his early vigour, tough battle boy Henry died of a tummy ache.
This country has to stay young, and will draw its youth and vigour from the new faces that are bound to come to power.
And the young cast brings to the production enough raw energy and vigour to leave the audience spellbound.
Or keep trays on a sunny windowsill for 10 days; it makes a big difference to subsequent vigour when early growth is strong.
Times, Sunday Times
So I long for the energetic verve of a Saki, the narrative vigour and cultural cameos of a Maugham, the imaginative bizarreness of a Roald Dahl or the feminine insights of a Doris Lessing.
In the same over that he brought up his fifty, he hooked the last ball to the square-leg boundary, where its sheer vigour caused Chris Adams to palm a fairly easy catch over the boundary for six.
He has added vim to his vigour, and produced as many demanding deliveries in the middle as he regularly does in the nets.
Times, Sunday Times
We were buff and healthy, impressive physical specimens powering through our thirties and forties with vim and vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
He returned to work with a sense of renewed vigour after his holiday.
Thanks to low taxation, alcohol in Japan is comparatively cheap and is consumed with vigour.
But Lucretius 'true tendency is to express an ordered vision of the life of man, with great vigour of real poetic image and often acute observation. quod petiere, premunt arte faciuntque dolorem corporis et dentes inlidunt saepe labellis osculaque adfligunt, quia non est pura voluptas et stimuli subsunt qui instigant laedere id ipsum quodcumque est, rabies unde illaec germina surgunt ...
I hasten to assure you that this law no longer is in vigour, so I can safely continue.
Dario Fo - Nobel Lecture
There was no other attribute that so much impressed her with a sense of new and untransmitted vigour in Pearls nature, as this never-failing vivacity of spirits: she had not the disease of sadness, which almost all children, in these latter days, inherit, with the scrofula, from the troubles of their ancestors.
XVI. A Forest Walk
The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour.
On the left wing of the horse Virgil appeared, in shining armour, completely fitted to his body; he was mounted on a dapple-grey steed, the slowness of whose pace was an effect of the highest mettle and vigour.
The Battle of the Books
'Inertia' does not mean want of vigour, but may be metaphorically described as the inexpugnable resolve of everything to have its own way.
Logic Deductive and Inductive
The lazy, hazy days of summer were evoked by some tracks, while others simply burst with rhythmic vigour.
The Sun
You can ask them to shut up, of course, but they will only look incredulous and then carry right on with renewed vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
Since then, though, he has struck five times in four games and showed renewed vigour.
The Sun
Events are consistent with my December, 2010, column, which concluded: "While the behaviour of real interest rates suggests that the economic outlook may look better in the U.S. than in Canada, my view is that it will not be characterized by vigour in either country and much of the growth will be inflationary.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
The lazy, hazy days of summer were evoked by some tracks, while others simply burst with rhythmic vigour.
The Sun
Spring morning in Lithuania is a celebration of the vigour of life.
Phoenix From the Flame
I would very much like to feel better now so I can get back to regular vigourous exercise, which makes me feel all shiny and renewed as opposed to sluggish yet slothful, which is how I've been feeling since Hurricane Datlow returned to base.
Seen On A Passing Bus In London This Morning:
The vigour and resilience of the South African economy and the relative stability of the rand in the face of the financial crisis in the Far East was the ultimate accolade to the ANC's economic team and the way it had run the country since 1994.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Or keep trays on a sunny windowsill for 10 days; it makes a big difference to subsequent vigour when early growth is strong.
Times, Sunday Times
It is not many yeares since (worthy assembly) that in Bulloigne there dwelt a learned Physitian, a man famous for skill, and farre renowned, whose name was Master Albert, and being growne aged, to the estimate of threescore and tenne yeares: hee had yet such a sprightly disposition, that though naturall heate and vigour had quite shaken hands with him, yet amorous flames and desires had not wholly forsaken him.
The Decameron
He disputed this apparently plausible report with some vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether it be the boudoir of a strumpet or the death-bed of a monarch -- the strong character of a statesman-warrior abounding in contrasts and rich in mystery, or the personal history of a judge trained in the Old Bailey to vulgarize and ensanguine the King's Bench -- he luxuriates with a vigour and variety of language and illustration which renders his "History" an attractive and absorbing story-book.
Famous Reviews
There is no doubt a renewed vigour about Villa.
Times, Sunday Times
Where among modern writers can you find their superiors in clearness and vigour of literary style?
mortify," -- that is, extinguish and destroy all that force and vigour of corrupted nature which inclines to earthly, carnal things, opposite unto that spiritual, heavenly life and its actings which we have in and from Christ, as was before declared.
Vangelis hardly answered: he seemed abashed by their vigour, and reluctant to remember.
But he said he had regained'a bit of the old vim and vigour' and was looking forward to the next two weeks before the vote.
The Sun
He disputed this apparently plausible report with some vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
The young girls made a remarkable display of vigour and valour.
With chest thrown out and shoulders back, he walked with the vigour of a younger man.
This fungal disease causes distorted red leaves and loss of vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
Ye scum -- ye recrement -- why do ye run? "said the knight, puffing with great vigour.
Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)
With renewed vigour, she revved the engine, leaned low across the handlebars and zoomed back towards the village.
There has been something hollow in their refusal to defend their politics with any ideological vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
He worked with renewed vigour and determination.
Yet Swansea began the second period with renewed vigour.
The Sun
He was unusual among Bolshoi dancers in having not only strength and athletic vigour, but elegance too.
Hawks began at the double and applied themselves to the task at hand with vim and vigour, taking all the early ball and constructing an effortless try in the process.
In the meantime, multiple product marketing strategy being properly used, actively expanding outside market in order to reduce market risk and to improve vigour of enterprise.
Slowly, beside it a lily grows up; as it grows the fading poppy is stirred, touched by its leaves; and the tiny bells waving over it inspire new life and vigour, till at length, grown whole and fresh, it is loosened from the brown uptorn roots, and floats upwards, to bloom more beautiful in Paradise.
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII: No. 356, October 23, 1886.
His manifest vigour and sexuality were an implicit part of his appeal.
Our team needs younger players who will be ready to display vigour and strength when defending the national colours.
The Sun
In another pulsating affair full of vim and vigour it may seem absurd to select a single act as the turning point.
Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigour.
That hybrid vigour and insouciant adaptability made it, delightfully, into a fairground mirror of the societies it entertained.
Times, Sunday Times
But behind all this vigour is a new uncertainty.
Times, Sunday Times
The only downside is the vigour of the tree, which is weakened by the sap sucking of the coccids.
He is full of vim and vigour today, too.
Times, Sunday Times
It includes articles researched and presented with the vigour of the good scholar.
His interpretations of Beethoven are remarkably vigorous, plumbing the depths of the darker later sonatas while retaining a strong hint of the vigour of early Beethoven.
His adviser on police matters dismissed the idea with vigour.
And, as a matter of fact, the proper maturation of a wine is impossible without a due amount of tartar; besides this, it develops in the wine a well-defined vigour and tonicity, which improves its taste, while it also increases its alimentary qualities.
The Art of Living in Australia
The vigour and simplicity of the archaic Greek temple is partly a Romantic construct, as archaeologists now tell us that they were painted all sorts of garish colours.
Strength and physical endurance would rocket as blood surged around their systems with unprecedented vigour.
In any case the human species, in course of deterioration through overstrain, would find amongst these singers of the shaduf and these labourers with the antiquated plough, brains unclouded by alcohol, and a whole reserve of tranquil beauty, of well-balanced physique, of vigour untainted by bestiality.
Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
While in the period of the Renaissance the revival of classical studies gave new vigour to exegesis and patrology, the Reformation stimulated the universities which had remained Catholic, especially in Spain (Salamanca, Alcalá, Coimbra) and in the Netherlands
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Some appeared to be very sick and feeble while there were also young men and women in best of health and vigour.
The results seemed excellent, and he found himself able to work again with his accustomed acumen and vigour.
The soul of Alleyn seemed to acquire new vigour from the conflict; he fought like a man panting for honour, and certain of victory; wherever he rushed, conquest flew before him.
The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne: A Highland Story
I say, then, that the first thing in mortification is the weakening of this habit, that it shall not impel and tumultuate as formerly; that it shall not entice and draw aside; that it shall not disquiet and perplex the killing of its life, vigour, promptness, and readiness to be stirring.
Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
A vitality, a vigour, which is infectious owing to its strength and intractability and to the paradoxical freedom it possesses as against what is related.
Nobel Prize in Literature 1983 - Presentation Speech
Something, perhaps, about colonial vigour providing a necessary stimulus to decadent metropolitan culture?
His limbs may fail him, but, as if by magic, they regain their vigour, and he stands erect, ready for battle after battle until he has laid low his enemy and liberated the country.
The next US president cannot afford to tune out their concerns, for they will reappear with renewed vigour next time.
Times, Sunday Times
A work that details every expression of lack of vigour in the different organs, limbs and brain of the body politic, therefore, paradoxically leaves a general impression of rude health.
My old vim and vigour seemed to be missing.
Times, Sunday Times
The critical question is: How can plants determine the vigour of their progeny?
She attacked both political parties with equal vigour.
She was a wonderful, bubbly girl, full of vigour.
What I'm trying to change is the culture, ensuring the players enjoy themselves and giving them a bit more vim and vigour.
That said, other scenes have the vigour and messy vitality that the best Russian cinema seems to be able to capture so well at the moment.
Times, Sunday Times
Some vineyards affected by copper toxicity in the Bordeaux area are much reduced in vigour, but the problem can be overcome by adding lime to the soil.
What are the old blokes doing to match all this female vigour?
Times, Sunday Times
Observe your vegetables all summer and pick those for seed that are the best - perhaps in yield, taste, disease resistance, vigour or early ripening.
He had a kind of resourceful impudence, coupled with executive vigour and a good deal of wit, which had made him useful in the less martial duties of his command.
Abraham Lincoln
It can provide a feeling of well-being, vigour and vitality.
PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
Our team needs younger players who will be ready to display vigour and strength when defending the national colours.
The Sun
But in the pit, as on stage, too much romance seems sacrificed in a headlong dash for vim and vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
Though not all laws are enforced with equal vigour, criminal law defines crime as it is officially recognized.
Were you a native of Greece, where to exhibit in the public games [e] is an honourable employment; and if the gods had bestowed upon you the force and sinew of the athletic Nicostratus [f]; do you imagine that I could look tamely on, and see that amazing vigour waste itself away in nothing better than the frivolous art of darting the javelin, or throwing the coit?
A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence The Works Of Cornelius Tacitus, Volume 8 (of 8); With An Essay On His Life And Genius, Notes, Supplements
He played with such enthusiasm and vigour, wanting to do take after take, and sang along while he was playing.
The Sun
The task of translating Buddha's teachings was carried out with great vigour and enthusiasm.
For a start, Tyson in his distant prime attacked in explosive bursts of four, five or six punches, sequences demanding timing and vigour long beyond his capacity.
The reason why I prefer the alternative advocated with unwonted vigour of expression by the doyen of living tort writers is that it gives better effect to widespread conceptions concerning the home and family.
We have a monolithic economy with very little vigour.
And the breed is a complete outcross to the Holstein, optimising hybrid vigour.
FWi - All News
Pen and paper tend to inhibit the vigour of her views, but in one to one conversation she expresses herself most unambiguously.
But lack of vigour and conviction makes the whole slow going.
Times, Sunday Times
It can provide a feeling of well-being, vigour and vitality.
PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
But in doing this, we have so lowered the general constitutional vigour of the plants or animals that our vines fall an easy prey to oidium and phylloxera, our potatoes to the potato disease and the Colorado beetle; our sheep are stupid, our rabbits idiotic, our domestic breeds generally threatened with dangers to life and limb unknown to their wiry ancestors in the wild state.
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He had vigour, energy and the simple willingness to use brute power on his side.
Times, Sunday Times
Nevertheless, for Thagard, there are still ways of shoring up coherence with varying degrees of vigour.
He was renowned for his strong views on issues such as the rights of ex-service personnel and the monarchy, and he defended those views with vigour.
By closing down with such vigour, Livingston forced the game into an untidy state, the action became hurried and so every pass and challenge seemed to quiver with anxious urgency.
You give me fresh life and vigour.
Pride and Prejudice
That's right!" cried Annie, with sudden vigour; "go off and make yourself fine, and lave me to wash all the cloam that's been standen 'up in grease these three days.
Secret Bread
Management by inertia is such a draining and wasteful approach that you must be prepared to resist its consequences with vigour.
A team that dazzled with their offensive patterns, vigour and energy.
The Sun
Energy, vigour and emotion were what were missing most in the second-rate acting.