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How To Use viewless In A Sentence

  • This anti-visual rhetoric of interiority is prevalent in much Romantic writing, from Keats's longing to escape on ‘the viewless wings of poesy,’ to Coleridge and Wordsworth's denunciation of the ‘despotism of the eye.’
  • This previous tenant reports hearing strange voices in this room and waking up several times at 3 in morning and either seeing a shadowy figure at the foot of the bed or faces staring in the viewless window. Harmon Leon: Craigslist Roommate Nightmares Mon Amour!
  • Yet, as it did chance, no harm came to me, and I gat away, as that some wondrous power did cast a viewless cloak about me, that I might be utter hid; and oft have I wondered whether this was truly so; but have no knowing. The Night Land
  • The viewless view bench was the only disappointment; a line of brutally flailed high hedge was a bit sad.
  • So, Zac, the prospect of your impending new soundproof/viewless barren poured concrete digs starting to sink in? Firedoglake » “Lapdogs” and the FDL Book Salon
  • By dawn on Saturday, the fog had taken possession of the downtown streets: the coast road would be viewless.
  • It is as though something sluggish and viewless, dormant and deadly, had been suddenly upstirred to furious life by the wind of robes and tread of myriad dancing feet, -- by the crash of cymbals and heavy vibration of drums! Two Years in the French West Indies
  • This anti-visual rhetoric of interiority is prevalent in much Romantic writing, from Keats's longing to escape on ‘the viewless wings of poesy,’ to Coleridge and Wordsworth's denunciation of the ‘despotism of the eye.’
  • To borrow Keats's words, humankind ascends on the ‘viewless wings of Poesy’ towards the Godhead (‘Ode to a Nightingale’ 33).
  • By dawn on Saturday, the fog had taken possession of the downtown streets: the coast road would be viewless.
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