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  1. the office and function of a vice president
  2. the tenure of a vice president

How To Use vice-presidency In A Sentence

  • He paid deference to the country's ceremonial presidency and even to its largely otiose Vice-Presidency; he never let the public forget that these notables outranked him in protocol terms.
  • Mr. Venkataraman, who was elevated from Vice-Presidency, assumed the office of the President on July 25, 1987 and his term lasted till July 25, 1992. The Hindu - Front Page
  • the vice-presidency is a hybrid of administrative and legislative offices
  • He paid deference to the country's ceremonial presidency and even to its largely otiose Vice-Presidency; he never let the public forget that these notables outranked him in protocol terms.
  • At the time of writing, the general belief was, that at his inauguration into the Vice-Presidency he was intoxicated, and because of an indulgence in intoxicating liquors that could not be excused. A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln
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