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Veterans Day

  1. a legal holiday in the United States; formerly Armistice Day but called Veterans' Day since 1954

How To Use Veterans Day In A Sentence

  • A Veterans Day speaker in Graves 'Missouri district had addressed the crowd, including a National Guard unit preparing to deploy, while wearing an unearned Navy Cross pin. Media Information Sheet
  • A life free of oppression which all of us on this Veterans days should bow our heads to those who have fallen to preserve it and repledge to uphold it just as Leroy taught me to do forty three years ago at Columbian school. Undefined
  • Also, a Happy Veterans Day. Thanks, and uh, gratitude to everyone who has served this country.
  • Unlike Veterans Day, which commemorates living veterans, Memorial Day is expressly intended as a day to memorialize the sacrifice of men and women who have given their lives in uniform.
  • November 11 th is Veterans Day, when Americans honor those who served in the military.
  • Unlike Veterans Day, which commemorates living veterans, Memorial Day is expressly intended as a day to memorialize the sacrifice of men and women who have given their lives in uniform.
  • We can do better, and we should take this Veterans Day to recommit ourselves to serving those who have done so much to serve us.
  • On this Veterans Day, about 180,000 members of the National Guard and reserves are serving on active military duty.
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