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vertebral canal

  1. the canal in successive vertebrae through which the spinal cord passes

How To Use vertebral canal In A Sentence

  • The ganglia of the fifth lumbar and first four sacral lie within the vertebral canal, but these are also extradural.
  • Moving inwards from the skull towards the brain, or from the vertebral canal towards the spinal cord, the three meninges are: dura mater or pachymeninx (Greek pachy, meaning thick), arachnoid mater, and pia mater.
  • The lumbar vertebral canal and nerve root canals are of osseofib - rous makeup.
  • Objective To describe the clinical application of Domelike vertebral canal and evaluate the short - term outcomes.
  • This increases the risk of vertebral canal haematoma, which can lead to permanent paraplegia.
  • These possess neither brain nor spinal cord; their nerve-centres, instead of being concentrated in a cranium and vertebral canal, are entirely disseminated through the cavities of the trunk, as are the visceral plexuses in vertebrated animals. The Education of American Girls
  • Objective To describe the clinical application of Domelike vertebral canal and evaluate the short - term outcomes.
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