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How To Use Unloved In A Sentence

  • That she is also lonely and unloved, except by her arthritic mother, is a nice ironic counterpoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything was explained in it -- everything made clear; and gradually she realised the natural, strong and pardonable craving of the rich, unloved man, to seek out for himself some means whereby he might leave all his world's gainings to one whose kindness to him had not been measured by any knowledge of his wealth, but which had been bestowed upon him solely for simple love's sake. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • Is it not a huge problem in today's society that there are too many children who are unloved and neglected?
  • The unloved school swots of the 20th century have blossomed into the alpha group of the 21st.
  • He looked lonely, unloved and timid. Times, Sunday Times
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  • You will find the fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of being controlled, fear of being unloved and the desire to love and be loved.
  • Recall the dull front-runner, unloved but unavoidable, who plods ahead to victory in his place.
  • The bicycles obstructing the way, the unloved and unwashed stair carpet, the large and perplexing stain on the elderly wallpaper.
  • Tell him you feel unloved and that your relationship needs to change to survive. The Sun
  • Now my shelves groan under the weight of vinyl and CDs which remain unheard and unloved.
  • The project revivified an unloved plot of sprawl, the kind of car-centered, nowhere space that blots the landscape all across North America. Profile of Vancouver architect Bing Thom
  • For instance, in Genesis 29, Jacob is said to prefer Rachel to Leah, who is termed "unloved"; the verb for that is the same as the one being translated as "hate" in today's Gospel; but Jacob then went on to have seven children with Leah, while Rachel remained barren. Archive 2007-09-01
  • The unloved school swots of the 20th century have blossomed into the alpha group of the 21st.
  • Early efforts were sniffed at by critics and often unloved by fans. The Sun
  • The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved. Mother Teresa 
  • This accolade was accompanied by the wonderful spectacle of dweeby scientists getting narked because they invent everything yet remain unloved and unglamorous.
  • She compared that with having to live independently, often feeling lonely and unloved. Know Your Own Mind
  • I am working on my fears of abandonment, of being alone and unloved, of starting over and of success and failure.
  • Daisy, the unloved eight-year-old in a large family, becomes the willing acolyte to the tender and solicitous Theresa.
  • That said, rental properties are often unloved and poorly equipped as landlords have little incentive to make them great places to live. The Sun
  • I feel ugly and unloved. The Sun
  • This is not an unloved character heading off into the darkness to a chorus of 'good riddance '. Times, Sunday Times
  • You frequently feel unloved and unworthy. The Sun
  • These unloved firms, dubbed orphan stocks, are often poorly researched and seen as subscale by fund managers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lucy, who lives locally, says even as a young girl she felt alienated from her family - unloved and unwanted.
  • It was all her stupidity! 'he thought, recalling his unloved wife, and he rolled over into his old place at the front part of the sledge. Master and Man
  • They tended to personalize and anthropomorphize their pets and viewed themselves as rescuers of suffering or unloved animals.
  • And feeling left out and unloved, which he has expressed to me very clearly in calmer moments. Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: Those Brain-Dead Parents.
  • There are some children in the world who are unwanted, or unloved by their parents.
  • Have you got one languishing somewhere, unused and unloved? The Sun
  • The kingdom of unloved avians is ruled by the trash triumvirate: House Sparrow, European Starling, and Rock Pigeon.
  • The consequences of their abusiveness are frequently catastrophic—nearly as devastating as when a parent tells a child that he or she is unloved and unwanted. Recovering From Religious Abuse
  • I'm starting to develop a new fondness for my poor, unloved, rejected rejects.
  • The pharmaceutical sector has been unloved for a while. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mighty Aphrodite is a psychotic Bush apologist who comes here to assuage his own personal pain at being not just unloved, but unliked by most people. Think Progress » VIDEO: Rumsfeld Called Out On Lies About WMD
  • From best player to unloved and unwanted in the space of six months. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't have anything near the audience required to break a mock scandal and recently I've just been feeling pretty unloved in real life anyway so… feh, who cares?
  • I HATE them so much that I write them, LOTS of them, just so I can burn them, mock them, steady my uneven kitchen table leg with them, line my cat's litter with them, and most importantly send them to agents so they can feel unloved, exposed and just plain rejected! Confidential to Anonymous; Or, Dark Secrets of the Publishing Industry Revealed!
  • One of the funniest episodes of the television program I ever saw featured an elderly couple of poshos with an oil painting that had lain undisturbed and unloved in their garage for decades.
  • She had not known or expected and conditions other than those she was familiar with -- the conditions of being fed and clothed, kept clean and exercised, but totally unloved and unentertained. The Head of the House of Coombe
  • I feel ugly and unloved. The Sun
  • Also feeling rejected and unloved are Blue, upset at not being nominated for any Brit awards this year.
  • And yet beneath the jollity is a deeply ingrained insecurity that leaves her feeling unloved and unwanted. Times, Sunday Times
  • You frequently feel unloved and unworthy. The Sun
  • The aftershocks are the emotional damages felt by the survivors: in this case, a mother filled with guilt, a son who lost his arm and a daughter who felt abandoned and unloved and was taken in by a foster family that thought she was an orphan. Michael Giltz: DVDs: Craig Ferguson... Genius?
  • The problem mentioned in the previous post was that there are also subject-experiencer verbs that have participles which can take the "un" prefix, such as "unloved". Archive 2010-07-01
  • The other night we saw a poor, abandoned, unwanted, unloved creature by the side of the road.
  • Have you got one languishing somewhere, unused and unloved? The Sun
  • That said, rental properties are often unloved and poorly equipped as landlords have little incentive to make them great places to live. The Sun
  • The first two groups are undervalued, underowned and unloved, which is reassuring. The Contra Contrarian
  • Great leaders are willing to retire unloved and unpopular as the price for great exertion.
  • We were haunted with a triplistic vision of a seemingly concrete unloved "me," a seemingly concrete rejective "you," and the seemingly concrete act of speaking words that could prove one's affection. Developing Balanced Sensitivity: Practical Buddhist Exercises for Daily Life (Revised Second Edition) ��� 18 Relaxing Triplistic Appearances of Mind's Natural Functions
  • WHITFIELD: The tale of the so-called unloved soldier. CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2007
  • British pharmaceutical companies are feeling almost as unloved as the banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rackingly above the crash and lilt of music, the quick, wild thud of dancing feet, the sharp, staccato notes of laughter -- she heard the dull, heavy, unrhythmical tread of the oncoming years -- gray years, limping eternally from to-morrow on, through unloved lands, on unloved errands. Little Eve Edgarton
  • With a disliked government and an unloved principal opposition, we have the classic conditions for a third-party surge.
  • He makes me feel ugly and unloved. The Sun
  • A seemingly concrete unloved "me," a seemingly concrete rejective "you," and the seemingly concrete act of speaking words that could prove one's affection The Sensitivity Handbook: Training Materials for Developing Balanced Sensitivity ��� Exercise 20: Relaxing Triplistic Appearances of Mind's Natural Functions
  • She has been a prisoner for years on end, unloved and constantly undernourished in the midst of appalling squalor.
  • Some more often than others, and unloved is debatable. Hopefully temporary.
  • You'll end up lonely and unloved unless you sort this out. The Sun
  • There in the corner of the room (or relegated to an unloved table just outside the door) you'll find a wobbly pile of undersize crockery and two silver flasks.
  • And I think, in the reporting we've done today, you know, you have to ask the question of people, was this in reaction to the fact that Hillary Clinton was not on the ticket along with Barack Obama and that there was a sense in the McCain campaign that they really had an opening with Independent women voters, who were feeling kind of unloved by the Obama campaign? CNN Transcript Aug 29, 2008
  • FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: Plus, the so-called unloved soldiers, appreciation for how Americans treat their warriors. CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2007
  • You can't trust your husband and you feel sad and unloved. The Sun
  • 'Better to die in the flower of youth on the chance of winning a noble name than to live at ease like the sheep and die unloved and unrenowned.' Halcyone
  • Outside her circle she was unknown, living on an estate in the suburbs of an unloved city.
  • The pharmaceutical sector has been unloved for a while. Times, Sunday Times
  • While it's admittedly now associated with all sorts of marvelous memories and history, it's also taken on the hangdog vibe of the perpetually neglected and unloved.
  • Unloved as food, it is also picked on for its looks: humans don't have wattled throats – they have turkey necks. In praise of … turkey
  • Daisy, the unloved eight-year-old in a large family, becomes the willing acolyte to the tender and solicitous Theresa.
  • What kind of policy is this where senior citizens are made to feel unloved and unwanted?
  • Early efforts were sniffed at by critics and often unloved by fans. The Sun
  • All of them were just fine without me, so I felt unneeded, unloved, unwanted, and above all, a bit hungry.
  • I feel ugly and unloved. The Sun
  • Also, assuming that your feelings of love and caring for the important people in your life "go without saying" is a great way to leave them feeling unloved and uncared for. Relationship Miscommunication? A Simple Fix
  • Six years ago, the trust bought it, and a right of access from the farmer, and set about the task of restoring, as faithfully as possible, the Grade II-listed building, which had languished, unloved and unlived in, since 1912.
  • Maybe this is the magic of the uke: a long-unloved instrument finally getting its spotlight. Times, Sunday Times
  • He buys quality companies and unloved stocks that he holds until they recover. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canadian John MacMaster brings out all the agony of an unloved man in love with Jenufa.
  • Some are shabby and unloved and represent an inefficient use of space and costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • WHITFIELD: Plus, the so-called unloved soldiers, appreciation for how Americans treat their warriors. CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2007
  • Feeling unwanted and unloved most of her childhood and adult life, Sweetie had to find a way to affirm an existence for herself where she was valued.
  • he tours what he calls "unloved Britain", stopping off at our most miserable towns, gasping at our most hideous architecture, shivering in our worst-reviewed hotels and forcing down our most disgusting delicacies. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • Assure that unhappy little girl inside you that she is not alone and unloved.
  • Just because a baby is aborted, this does not mean it was unloved or unwanted, It just simply wasn't the right time.
  • They are growing up uneducated, unsocialized and often unloved, producing a desperate generation. Globe and Mail
  • Dear Deidre MY boyfriend makes me feel unloved and needy. The Sun
  • Tell him you feel rejected and unloved. The Sun
  • The result certainly gives the Parliament an unkempt, unloved appearance lacking in maintenance.
  • Have you got one languishing somewhere, unused and unloved? The Sun
  • The unloved Pity fantasizes this youth as her ‘fiancé,’ but Leda reveals the grim reality behind the image.
  • That she is also lonely and unloved, except by her arthritic mother, is a nice ironic counterpoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, if this show was unpopular and unloved by the masses, I would buy the argument that people are turned off by the fast-talking.
  • It's an unloved and unlabelled door, tucked anonymously between the newsagents at number 31 and the boarded up shop at number 33.
  • I recently obtained an unfired Remington 700 Classic in .257 Roberts that had been sitting untouched and unloved for about 10 years in someone's safe. Do Chronographs Lie?
  • There is also an issue about child abuse, that unwanted children will be unloved and abused.
  • Now, however, public libraries are under the cosh; neglected, unloved, misunderstood and abused.
  • My partner makes me feel unloved and unwanted. The Sun
  • They grow and spread, like the gourd along the ground; but, like the gourd, they give no shade to the traveller, and when they are ripe death gathers them, and they go down unloved into hell, and their name vanishes out of the land. Never Yet Melted
  • While I can imagine that he might value his daughter's ridicule of the undignified and embarrassing aspects of his final illness as a farcical, tragicomic gag at his own expense, I believe that he would be "inexpressibly sad," a phrase he used, for the world to learn that he died unliked and unloved by one of his own children. A Roaring Literary Lion
  • Depressed-aggressive suicide-murderers are likely to be people who feel unloved and unvalued, the very opposite of the New York firemen and self-sacrificing passengers aboard the fourth plane, scuppered in the Pennsylvania woods.
  • Some are shabby and unloved and represent an inefficient use of space and costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lesson is clear to any MPs out there feeling unloved. The Sun
  • In fact, because the companies are so unloved, there is a case for contrarian investors to buy. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the white-knuckle ride of recent months, investors are being urged to look for managers with a record of picking unloved stocks to produce consistently strong returns. Times, Sunday Times
  • My partner makes me feel unloved and unwanted. The Sun
  • When Simeon was born, Leah said (Gen. 29: 33): “This is because the Lord heard [shama] that I was unloved and has given me this one also.” Leah: Midrash and Aggadah.
  • What kind of policy is this where senior citizens are made to feel unloved and unwanted?
  • Lucy, who lives locally, says even as a young girl she felt alienated from her family - unloved and unwanted.
  • I think she feels desperately wounded and unloved at the moment.
  • She was alone and unloved, but she did not repine.
  • Ever been through a horrendous break up with your main squeeze and felt lonely, upset, tired, and unloved?
  • The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved. Mother Teresa 
  • The old scenario of unwanted and unloved gifts can be a burden for many - those things can take up valuable space and never be used.
  • Rose is too unloved; the Mitwissers are too unloving - and so, for all its cleverness and texture, the novel itself is hard to love.
  • This is why I am pro-choice. If there are unwanted pregnancies is it a reason to bring children into the world that may be unwanted and unloved?
  • He looks for the lonely, the lost, the unloved.
  • Some are shabby and unloved and represent an inefficient use of space and costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are with an unloved partner because, ultimately, anything is better than nothing.
  • There in the corner of the room (or relegated to an unloved table just outside the door) you'll find a wobbly pile of undersize crockery and two silver flasks.
  • Feeling unloved and neglected by her husband during his days as player, she embarks on a love affair with a writer, Max Halliday.
  • That she is also lonely and unloved, except by her arthritic mother, is a nice ironic counterpoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • For Brown, appreciated by some but widely unloved, election day could mark the ignominious end of a three-year term beset by division within his party, relentless media sniping and the near-collapse of the British economy. - Stuff
  • Can you suggest a practical solution that Martha would accept without making her feel unloved and unwanted?
  • Though just as the Mozart film unpicked the myths perpetrated by "Amadeus" -- Mozart did not die a pauper and was not poisoned by Salieri or anyone else -- we discover that Beethoven was not the unkempt, unhygienic, tormented figure of romantic tradition, struggling, unloved and alone, against his tragic deafness. Debunking the Beethoven Myth
  • You frequently feel unloved and unworthy. The Sun
  • You frequently feel unloved and unworthy. The Sun
  • This accolade was accompanied by the wonderful spectacle of dweeby scientists getting narked because they invent everything yet remain unloved and unglamorous.
  • Easter is a great time to get out in the garden and take charge of your unruly and perhaps unloved outdoor space. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though he had never said as much, she knew that part of him feared a return to the old days, when he had been shunted aside; unwanted and unloved.

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