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troop carrier

  1. any land or sea or air vehicle designed to carry troops

How To Use troop carrier In A Sentence

  • Usually used as a Viking troop carrier . These ships carry Scandinavian raiding parties across Europe.
  • An earth mover was parked nearby in a convoy of military vehicles including one troop carrier full of soldiers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The army sent in armoured troop carriers and artillery into Racak, Petroovo, Malopoljce and Renaja.
  • Kuat Drive Yards developed the All Terrain Open Transport as a basic overland troop carrier.
  • A British military button found between the frames last summer supports the theory the vessel may have been used around the time of the Revolutionary War as some type of troop carrier.
  • She wanted to know whether Amnesty International was protesting at Shannon Airport when American troop carriers were refuelling with the permission of the Irish Government.
  • The army sent in armoured troop carriers and artillery into Racak, Petroovo, Malopoljce and Renaja.
  • A single Marine Corps troop carrier costs more than one billion.
  • Cheney found the arguments for the combat troop carrier unpersuasive and its problems irredeemable.
  • When I was in the Cavalry I always stashed a little Sterno in the troop carrier, but I forgot it this time.
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