How To Use tribuneship In A Sentence
- Tiberius next filled up the vacant tribuneship by getting one of his own dependents put into the office.
- Octavius had refused, whereupon Gracchus had “called upon the gods to witness that he did not willingly wish to remove his colleague,” had balloted the eighteenth tribe, and achieved a majority, and Octavius had been stripped of his tribuneship “reduced to the rank of a private citizen, he departed unobserved”. Imperium
- NEPOS, QUINTUS CAECILIUS METELLUS brother of Celer and brother-in-law of Pompey, who sends him back from his legateship in the East to stand for the tribuneship and guard his interests in Rome CONSPIRATA
- Sura, and various candidates for the tribuneship whose names will be familiar to you. Imperium
- When the term of his tribuneship expired, Tiberius presented himself for re-election.
- His father clearly rose through the ranks, so this would suggest that he did not start among the privileged elite who would have had tribuneships from their youth.
- In other words, the tribuneship was designed to be a political dead end—a place to confine the ranting and the rancorous, the incompetent and the unpromotable: the effluent of the body politic. Imperium
- Copy down everything relating to the tribuneship of Tiberius Gracchus and his agrarian bill. Imperium
- In 123 he stood for the tribuneship and was a second time elected in the following year.
- The moment you lose the legal immunity conferred by your tribuneship, the aristocrats will have you in court and fighting for your life. Imperium