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toilet training

  1. training a young child to use the toilet

How To Use toilet training In A Sentence

  • Toilet training Toilet training covers three main areas of management 1 daytime bladder control 2 night-time bladder control 3 bowel control.
  • A developmental progression of toilet training emerges during the first four years of life.
  • Mark Wolraich, director of the Child Study Center at the University of Oklahoma and author of the "American Academy of Pediatrics' Guide to Toilet Training," said children typically begin to toilet-train between the ages of 18 months and 4 years. Three-year-old suspended from Arlington preschool for too many potty accidents
  • Toilet training is a combination of several developmental processes.
  • Toilet training gets mucked with in adolescence leading to public toilet fixation and George Michael style Father Figure psychological transference problems. Think Progress » CNN’s Kyra Phillips apologizes for hosting discredited ‘ex-gay’ guest: He wasn’t an ‘appropriate’ choice.
  • Life events can be developmental in nature: weaning, toilet training and puberty are examples that characterise all people's lives.
  • If one is well grounded in youth, the object of love and sound toilet training, these things become second nature.
  • However, toilet training took second place to skill with weapons or natural aggression.
  • Renowned pediatrician Berry Brazelton wrote an article in 1962 that changed the way parents approach toilet training.
  • The anal stage (which Freud says has a lot to do with toilet training) is associated with expelling things, with learning boundaries between inside and outside, and with aggression and anger.
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