- a branch of the Indo-European language family that originated in central Asia during the first millennium A.D.
How To Use Tocharian In A Sentence
- An experiential form, parallel to Mandarin guo 过, can easily yield explicit past tense "sigmatic aorists" in Core IE dialects, while forming special 3ps sigmatic past forms for an originally tenseless hi-class as evidenced by Anatolian and Tocharian. New thought: A 2D matrix of eventive/non-eventive and subjective/objective
- The Tocharians were blue-eyed dolichocephalic redheads who wore garments of plaid wool and spoke a language whose closest relative appears to be Old Gaelic. Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: The House with Many Doors (or, at the Caucasus, Hang a Right!)
- However Tocharian shows palatalization nonetheless and I suppose I should explain myself better in the pdf that I'm also including satem-like areal influence as well. Diachrony of PIE
- The first written reports concerning this clan, drafted about 2000 years BP (before present) in the Chinese historical record, Hou Hanshu, described nomadic light-haired blue-eyed Caucasians speaking an Indo-European language (probably a form of Tocharian, an extinct Indo-European tongue related to Celtic, Italic, and Anatolic (Ma and Sun, 1994). 2,700-year-old marijuana stash found
- Among the extinct descendants of Indo-European are two well-attested main branches, Anatolian including Hittite and Tocharian. The English Is Coming!
- Frederik Kortlandt expanded further on this by infusing it with the Glottalic Theory according to which PIE's ejectives became "implosive" in all dialects save Proto-Anatolian and Proto-Tocharian. Archive 2008-01-01