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  1. any of numerous plants of the genus Coreopsis having a profusion of showy usually yellow daisylike flowers over long periods; North and South America

How To Use tickseed In A Sentence

  • Several nonnative noxious weeds have invaded stickseed habitat and threaten to out-compete the stickseed for the available nutrients.
  • The flowers (especially the middle) look like some tickseeds, but the leaves look much more like a helianthus.
  • Think about a 1.5m clump of your favourite tickseed instead of the 60cm it is now. Times, Sunday Times
  • The primary reason for not designating critical habitat for showy stickseed is because the species has been repeatedly collected for many decades.
  • The Yukon also has 16 introduced species of borages, a group of agricultural weeds that includes stickseeds and forget-me-nots, and 14 introduced species of mustards.
  • -- Nutlet of stickseed, _Echinospermum_.] [Illustration: FIG. Seed Dispersal
  • This is the first record of Ranunculus parviflorus (stickseed or small-flowered crowfoot) from the District of Columbia.
  • All tickseeds in Florida, except Swamp Tickseed, have yellow ray flowers.
  • Many other tickseeds have similar flowers, but differ vegetatively and ecologically.
  • Look closely at the beautiful flowers common to this region including tickseeds and wild petunias.
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