How To Use Thirty-nine In A Sentence
The price of a single ticket is thirty-nine pounds.
This established a two-tier system of thirty-nine counties and six metropolitan counties for the major conurbations outside London.
And I know you're back, because I was one of the thirty-nine addressees on the generic email that you sent round.
Thirty-nine women treated at the hospitals have been offered DNA tests to prove their babies are their own.
The price of a single ticket is thirty-nine pounds.

In its new positions on the far side of the Donets the 11th Panzer Regiment had available thirty-nine panzers.
Panzer Aces
Thirty-nine years after she first performed in Europe, surprising audiences with dances ritualizing everyday behavior, Anna Halprin debuted in Paris last September as the opening dance event of the Festival d' Automne.
It exceeded its investment target by thirty-nine percent, but most of the money went towards tourism.
The PMBOK does not dictate that all thirty-nine processes in the 2000 version or forty-four processes in the 2004 version must be used in all projects.
The desire to make the world he knew too well a better place than he found it is just as keen in the wit and humourist of thirty-nine; a desire, moreover, undulled by twenty years of vivacious living.
Henry Fielding: a Memoir
The price of a single ticket is thirty-nine pounds.
But faithful study of its thirty-nine books will shed light on those priceless treasures and uncover a wealth of teaching on the subject of worship.
You get a healthy five episodes, which brings us to the fifteenth out of thirty-nine in the series.
Thirty-nine powerful pharmaceutical companies threatened legal sanctions, and the government of the United States censure.
Thirty-nine of the fifty states elect at least some of their judges.
A thirty-nine-year-old competitor collapsed half-way through the marathon and died shortly afterwards.
The collection consists of more than fifty pieces of family silver and thirty-nine paintings.
She let her eyes skim the page, not really reading it, until she got to verse thirty-nine.
Link too bad the iphone is much more beautiful. i think this is a phone for computer geeks - not the average smart phone user. i wouldnt touch it with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole! — quin
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Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia let officers issue seat-belt tickets only if they find another violation first.
These streets defined thirty-nine quarters for a town - New Winchelsea - intended to include a market, three churches, a friary, stone defences, and 700 houses.
A thirty-nine-year-old competitor collapsed half-way through the marathon and died shortly afterwards.
And then it was ringing midnight, and they were in the Martian time slip, the thirty-nine-and-a half-minute gap between 12: 00: 00 and 12: 00: 01; when all the clocks went blank or stopped moving.
Friday Morning Time Slip « Gerry Canavan
Thirty-nine of his 43 illustrated volumes were about birds.
How, a perplexed public is asking, did a thirty-nine year old crock manage to swim through the air and prevent what was a certain goal?
Te Deums; six psalms; twenty anthems; three German operas; one English opera; thirty-nine Italian operas; two Italian serenatas, two English serenatas; one Italian intermezzo, "Terpsichore"; four odes; twenty-four chamber duets; ninety-four cantatas; seven French songs; thirty-three concertos; nineteen English songs; sixteen Italian airs; twenty-four sonatas.
A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
Lastly, in 1571, the Settlement gained teeth sharper than the Act of Uniformity, when a Subscription Act required the beneficed clergy to assent to the Thirty-nine Articles.
With thirty-nine epsiodes and two Christmas specials to trawl through, that's a lot of television for even the most attentive of viewers in these time-poor days.
He was a self-taught, spare-time artist who supported himself by working for thirty-nine years in a bank.
The Thirty-Nine Articles condemned ‘the Romish doctrine concerning Purgatory, Pardons’ as unscriptural.
The manuscript and printed material is now stored in fifteen archive boxes, whilst the forty-four sound recordings, comprising thirty-nine cassette and five open-reel items, are shelved separately.
Of these seventy-seven, eight resided in Kabul, seventeen in Tashkurgan, thirty-nine in Bukhara, three in Katta Kurgan, two in Karshi, three in Kolab, one in Charjui, one in Yarkand, and four in Ourganj or Khiva.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
As a result he received thirty-nine lashes for a crime for which many were transported or executed.