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theoretical account

  1. a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process
    the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems

How To Use theoretical account In A Sentence

  • Cureton has provided a theoretical account of our intuitions about rhythm.
  • As I have argued elsewhere a theoretical account of the OBE must comprise more than a mere specification of factors that explain why the person feels as if the self is exteriorized during the experience.
  • She defines the area of feminist epistemology as that of developing theoretical accounts of knowledge which retain continuity with women's experiences.
  • Cureton has provided a theoretical account of our intuitions about rhythm.
  • Seiko is one of the most prolific of these horologers with a huge scope of different theoretical accounts available.
  • She defines the area of feminist epistemology as that of developing theoretical accounts of knowledge which retain continuity with women's experiences.
  • She defines the area of feminist epistemology as that of developing theoretical accounts of knowledge which retain continuity with women's experiences.
  • In China, the rise of the Pure Land school popularized this idea, and spurred many centuries of theoretical accounts of the nature of the Pure Lands, and the genesis of typologies that sought to classify the various types of Pure Lands.
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