- (Greek mythology) the Titaness who was mother of Helios and Selene and Eos in ancient mythology
How To Use Theia In A Sentence
- That is, there seems to be a difference in isotope ratios between capturing, say, (most of) Theia's gases directly at its impact or having (most of) them degas through (and from) minerals later by the heat of impact. Earth's Atmosphere Came from Outer Space | Universe Today
- He suggests that Unitarian Universalism is not so much afflicted with its own orthodoxy or even "orthopraxy" a favorite neologism among seminarians, but that it is tilting heavily toward "orthopatheia", a fixation on feeling the right things. Philocrites: August 2003 Archives
- Unless the Earth atmosphere derived from earlier impacts such as Theia in which, as I understand it, astronomers have models suggesting that Earth captured most of both "planetoid" atmospheres and left the Moon airless, there likely wasn't a primitive atmosphere for abiogenesis to occur in before the LHB. Earth's Atmosphere Came from Outer Space | Universe Today
- I've just spent the last two days participating in events related to Global Entrepreneurship Week hosted by ANDE members Pan-African University-Enterprise Development Centre (EDC), Alitheia Capital, and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Randall Kempner: Africa's Entrepreneurial Hot-Spot
- On Lerna's murderous hound, the many-headed hydra, he set his branding-iron, and smeared its venom on his darts, wherewith he slew the shepherd of Erytheia, a monster with three bodies; Heracles
- That is somewhere called kainē ktisis, the “new creature,” [199] but nowhere theia phusis, the “divine nature.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
- There you’ll find that the word for truth is aletheia, from which in English we get the word lethargy. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
- There are twelve Titans [2] from their first literary appearance, in Hesiod, Theogony; Pseudo-Apollodorus, in Bibliotheke, adds a thirteenth Titan Dione, a double of Theia. Louis Leterrier Explains How He Took on Clash of the Titans «
- As Truth remains eternally the same, whether called 'maa', as by the Egyptians, or 'Aletheia' as by the An Egyptian Princess — Complete