How To Use The star-spangled banner In A Sentence
They banged out `The star-spangled banner'
the star-spangled banner
I've heard "Hail to the Chief," I've heard the Star-Spangled Banner, many of the songs that you know so well when it comes to these kind of big celebrations.
CNN Transcript Jan 11, 2009
Maazel and the orchestra opened the performance by playing the North Korean national anthem, the "Patriotic Song," followed by the American national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner.
To my mind, the Star-Spangled Banner is the best that can wave over it.
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To the American mind enwrapment in the star-jewelled zodiac may appear as natural as their ordinary oratorical references to the star-spangled banner; but the idea is essentially transatlantic, and not even the most poetical European astronomer could have risen to such a height of imagery.
Myths and Marvels of Astronomy
Of songs, the Star-Spangled Banner, America, Marseillaise, and all moral and soul-stirring songs, but wishy-washy hymns are my detestation.
The Varieties of Religious Experience
We then sang the Star-Spangled Banner, all standing and facing the piano, but watching to see if Fraulein sang, which she did.
Bab: A Sub-Deb
Told them I was a rebel governmentalist, studied old Washington, said the pledge of allegiance, bowed down to the star-spangled banner, all that stuff.
Jason Stoddard, Strange and Happy » Blog Archive » Eternal Franchise, 8.2 of 31.1
Suburban houses proudly sported the Star-Spangled Banner.
3. The first word of “The Star-Spangled Banner” “Oh” is an example of the literary device known as anacrusis, a lead-in syllable or syllables that precede the first full foot.
2008 August 15 « One-Minute Book Reviews
I think that the Star-Spangled Banner is untuneful, nearly unsingable, and usually played too slowly, so it loses what little character it had to begin with.
Christina Aguilera gives "The Star-Spangled Banner" an accidental remix during the Super Bowl pre-game, subbing "O'er the ramparts we watched/were so gallantly streaming" with the half-rehashed line "What so proudly we watched/at the twilight's last reaming.
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The Star-Spangled Banner is one the hardest songs to sing. Today's Latest Headlines