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  1. the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one

How To Use tetrad In A Sentence

  • The Greek letters XP combined in a monogram occur on pre-Christian coins (e.g. the Attic tetradrachma and some coins of the Ptolemies), and in some Greek manuscripts of the Christian period they are employed as an abbreviation of such words as (see Greek words 2, 3, 4). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • How we went down the tetradic steps, and of Panurge’s fear. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • These axes are, respectively, diads, triads, tetrads, and hexads.
  • In sclerotherapy a sclerosant solution (ethanolamine oleate or sodium tetradecyl sulphate) is injected into the bleeding varix or the overlying submucosa.
  • Orchids, however, have all possible tetrad types: linear, decussate, square, tetrahedral, rhomboid and T-shaped are all reported, e.g. in Calanthe discolor which has a soft pollinium.
  • The basic avian foot is tetradactyl.
  • Two-thirds of the tetrads gave rise to four normally growing spores and one spore that formed a microcolony of 10 cells.
  • Sitting next to Lord Ciceron, the fourth lord of the Tetrad, Mariam Erendira Vasquez, smoothed out the folds of her viridian robe. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Some notable mammals are white‑tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus, white‑lipped peccary Tayassu pecary, collared peccary Tayassu tajacu, Central American tapir Tapirus bairdii (VU), white‑face monkey Cebus capucinus and spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi, howler monkey Alouatta palliata, collared anteater Tamandua tetradactyla, jaguar Panthera onca (VU), margay Felis wiedii (VU), jaguarundi F. yagouaroundi and ocelot F. pardalis (VU). Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
  • The distinctive sweet, rich aroma of coconut is created by derivatives of saturated fatty acids called lactones (octa-, deca-, dodeca-, tetradecalactones)—peaches are also flavored by lactones—while roasting generates more generic nutty notes (from pyrazines, pyrroles, furans). On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
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