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testing ground

  1. a region resembling a laboratory inasmuch as it offers opportunities for observation and practice and experimentation
    the new nation is a testing ground for socioeconomic theories
    Pakistan is a laboratory for studying the use of American troops to combat terrorism

How To Use testing ground In A Sentence

  • He won over course and distance on testing ground in February and gets his favoured conditions today. The Sun
  • The testing ground is ideal for this dour stayer. The Sun
  • All of his wins have been gained on pretty testing ground and underfoot conditions are likely to livelier tomorrow.
  • Can automatic testing ground will volt-ampere characteristics curve traced, save manual pressure regulation, artificial records, sorting, tracing curves, and so cumbersome labor.
  • Last month re-enactors staged a mock battle at the site, as a testing ground before the full festival on September 23 and 24 next year.
  • Even though 1960s and '70s music was mediated by increasingly sophisticated multi-track recording equipment, it made the live context the testing ground of each performer's authenticity.
  • Indians have always harvested medals by the bagfuls, utilising the event as a testing ground to spot and groom talent.
  • Testing ground would be a worry, but it rarely gets bad on the chase course. The Sun
  • Suspended from the flies or moving in slow motion, she was a spiritual warrior and her chalked, nude body was her testing ground.
  • GENERAL EDIP BASER, FORMER TURKISH SPECIAL ENVOY FOR COUNTERTERRORISM: So for the Turkish people on the street, it is a testing ground for Turkish-American relations. CNN Transcript May 24, 2007
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