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test period

  1. a period of time during which someone or something is tested

How To Use test period In A Sentence

  • - The bottom of the soakaway pit should be at least 1m above the water table during the wettest period, and 1m above any impermeable layers. Chapter 3
  • During the test period she lost 4lb. The Sun
  • But her anointment by Mr. da Silva, who has steered Brazil through one of its greatest periods of prosperity, automatically made her a contender.
  • He has held pop concerts across China in the shortest period after stepping into stardom.
  • The transgressive plays of Molière's greatest period forced Louis XIV and Colbert finally to make censorship a systematic, bureaucratic institution.
  • As the economy entrenches itself on the downside of Canada's greatest period of sustained growth, the ancient concept of commercial proprietorships is being reasserted in high-yield, beatinflation investments. The Future of the Canadian Establishment
  • The Environmental Protection Agency has authorised the storage of only 8,500 drums in the cavern over a five year test period.
  • In consequence, there developed two varieties of wedge-writing: the one that may be termed lapidary, used for the stone inscriptions, the official historical records, and such legal documents as were prepared with especial care; the other cursive, occurring only on legal and commercial clay tablets, and becoming more frequent as we approach the latest period of Babylonian writing, which extends to within a few decades of our era. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Now an octennial cycle is the shortest period at the end of which sun and moon really mark time together after overlapping, so to say, throughout the whole of the interval. Chapter 24. The Killing of the Divine King. § 3. Kings killed at the End of a Fixed Term
  • This, perhaps the greatest period of an already great life, has been sensitively written about by memoirists and historians.
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