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terza rima

  1. a verse form with a rhyme scheme: aba bcb cdc, etc.

How To Use terza rima In A Sentence

  • Tucker flirts with classic forms like the sonnet and, in “The Woman in the Faraway House,” terza rima (while avoiding its overlapping rhymes): 2008 September 01 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Merwin opts not to follow the terza rima strictly, or rather he rhymes so freely that he chooses not to speak of it.
  • I have a friend who has undertaken to translate "Inferno" into English, keeping to the terza rima. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • The Divine Comedy is written in the _terza rima_, which consists of three verses arranged in such a way that the middle line of each triplet rhymes with the first or third verse of the succeeding triplet. National Epics
  • Oh, and whilst I'm at it, please: no more terza rima! Archive 2010-05-01
  • Equally commendable is the virtuosity he displayed while experimenting with traditional Western forms like the sonnet and the villanelle, as well as more complex forms such as the canzone and terza rima.
  • Educated at Amherst and later at Harvard, he served in the U.S. Army during World War II, first as a cryptographer and then in combat, shocking experiences that became the source for the early villanelle "First Snow in Alsace" and the recent "Terza Rima. A Great Living Poet's Rare Art of Reticence
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