How To Use Terrorist organization In A Sentence
Al-Shabaab, also known as the Mujahedeen Youth Movement, was officially designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government in March 2008.
The fundamental agenda of terrorist organizations, however, "is to overthrow the existing political system and drastically change the socio-economic environment, which they consider immoral.
The best hope we have is to go after and destroy the terrorist organization.
That belief became illusion on September 5, 1972, in Munich when Israeli Olympians were taken hostage by the Black September terrorist organization.
That belief became illusion on September 5, 1972, in Munich when Israeli Olympians were taken hostage by the Black September terrorist organization.

Keith, if Kyl-Lieberman gives slip to the slope of attacking Iran, how does Obama cosponsoring (along with 68 other Senators) S. 970 not do the exact same thing (i.e. by declaring the IRG a "terrorist organization" that will "greenlight" attacking Iran) ...?
Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Obama Promises To Get More Aggressive
Officials in the city of Kashgar says the groups, including the East Turkistan Islamic Movement and Hizb ut-Tahrir, were linked to international terrorist organizations.
The "Eastern Turkestan" terrorist forces are trained, equipped and financed by international terrorist organizations.
He said that the fact that there are terrorists along the launch pads across the LC waiting to infiltrate, points to collusively between the Pak Army and the terrorist organizations.
No reports of Taliban in J&K,prepared to meet any eventuality from Pak & China: Lt Gen Jaswal
drug cartels sometimes finance terrorist organizations
The Taliban also fit this pattern: a potent terrorist organization that provides not only security but also such services as dispute adjudication.
Although the MKO is officially labeled a terrorist organization by the US, the US also provided the group with a haven in Iraq after the 2003 invasion.
Did not vote on a September 2007 Senate resolution calling on the administration to declare Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization.
Officials in the city of Kashgar says the groups, including the East Turkistan Islamic Movement and Hizb ut-Tahrir, were linked to international terrorist organizations.
The terrorist organization set off a smoke bomb and ran away in the chaos.
An al-Qaida recruiting video indicates that the terrorist organization hopes to sneak a biological weapon into the US through its border with Mexico, the Washington Times reported.
Spokeswoman Jiang says China wants the men to be prosecuted in China, because they are members of the East Turkestan terrorist organization, which is on a sanction list of the U.N. Security Council.
A former Pakistani military commander, Mr. Kashmiri is also the leader of Harakat-ul Jihad Islami, a group the U.S. has designated as a terrorist organization.
Drone Strike Killed European Plotters
Qin says the 17 men are members of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a group the United Nations lists as a terrorist organization.
Defending the absurd notion that the windbaggery of Mr. Galloway is somehow a threat to our national security, a spokesperson for the virginal Jason Kenney, Alykhan Velshi, referred to Gorgeous George as "someone who has provided financial support to Hamas, a banned terrorist organization in Canada, and someone who is, in a sense, a popinjay for those Taliban fighters who are trying to kill Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan.
Archive 2009-03-01
He is being prosecuted by the US government for conspiring to commit murder and aiding terrorist organizations.
In March 2008, the State Department designated al-Shabaab, a Somalia-based extremist group with known ties to al-Qaida, as a foreign terrorist organization.
The youngsters were lured into a terrorist organization.
How many people have died at the hands of terrorist organizations since the violence began?
This is nation states versus transnational terrorist organizations.
That would require a change of stance by the United States which still considers Nepal's Maoists a terrorist organization.
You do know that most dictator and terrorist organizations are raised by the U. S. funding in the beginning, right? lol. Dumb red-neck.
Spokeswoman Jiang says China wants the men to be prosecuted in China, because they are members of the East Turkestan terrorist organization, which is on a sanction list of the U.N. Security Council.
A day earlier, the Greek Foreign Minister Drew Chasi said that the Greek of the recent leaders against foreign embassies and mail bombing has nothing to do with international terrorist organizations.
Hamas has not renounced the armed struggle. Does China take it as a terrorist organization?
The success of terrorist organizations crime of laundering means the decriminalization of terrorist organizations black money that is got through illegal channels such as smuggling and drug trade.
I instructed him to convene the ambassadors, and I asked him to immediately put into action all of the -- all-out diplomatic authorities, all of our representations throughout the world to explain, and again, outclimb and present the loathsome activities of these Arab terrorist organizations.
CNN Transcript Nov 28, 2002
Many Republicans have called for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, an Australian, to be prosecuted under the US Espionage Act, or for his site to be deemed a "foreign terrorist organization.
He's likely to seek out terrorist organizations, which is a very dangerous position.
The accessory to murder charges remain in force, along with a charge of membership in a terrorist organization.
The settlement resolves a lengthy government investigation into the company's financial dealings with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia or FARC designated as a terrorist organization under U.
Are there any terrorist organizations in the region except Bin Ladin and his Al Qaeda?
Here's the Joint Working Group on what it refers to as "spoof," though the term hardly does justice to its gravity: States or terrorist organizations, for reasons that might range from protecting secrets to preventing attribution, may attempt to spoof any later investigation by mixing material from different sources.
Russ Wellen: Can Nuclear Terrorists Be Deterred?
Syria must close terrorist camps and expel terrorist organizations.
Israeli spokesman Mark Regev says Hamas is a terrorist organization that refuses to renounce violence or recognize Israel.
The putative leader of the terrorist organization was arrested by police in Birmingham yesterday.
Did not vote on a September 2007 Senate resolution calling on the administration to declare Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization.
As an avid opposer of terrorism, I hope this unrealistic adventure of Prabhakaran, who has been in the forefront of bloodshed in Sri Lanka in the name of creation of independent Elam, will give a lesson to the terrorist organizations world over to give up arms and return to main stream of life.
Sri Lankan Army Captures Mullaittivu Town, the Last Citadel of LTTE
Thoroughly expose the conspiratorial international terrorist organizations and put an end to their inhuman plans!
Bout will face trial in the United States for conspiring to kill Americans by selling weapons of war to a terrorist organization.
A nuclear device can range from a weapon carried by an intercontinental missile launched by a hostile nation or terrorist organization, to a small portable nuclear device transported by an individual.
Defending the absurd notion that the windbaggery of Mr. Galloway is somehow a threat to our national security, a spokesperson for the virginal Jason Kenney, Alykhan Velshi, referred to Gorgeous George as "someone who has provided financial support to Hamas, a banned terrorist organization in Canada, and someone who is, in a sense, a popinjay for those Taliban fighters who are trying to kill Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan.
Archive 2009-03-01
How do terrorist organizations infuse this condition in their recruits?
Qin says the 17 men are members of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a group the United Nations lists as a terrorist organization.
Experts say that was also when he began to provide aid to what some governments considered terrorist organizations. These included the Irish Republican Army and the Abu Nidal Group.
You do know that most dictator and terrorist organizations are raised by the U. S. funding in the beginning, right? lol. Dumb red-neck.
Not to mention that there is a strong connection between counterfeit goods and organized crime gangs and terrorist organizations - it's one way they finance their organizations.
I see perhaps a protracted conflict against various terrorist organizations and nations that harbor them.
Fatah says Fayyad is an excellent nominee because he is a moderate who is acceptable to the United States, European Union and Israel, which consider Hamas a terrorist organization.
It is the destruction of the Al Qaeda network and terrorist organizations with global reach, and, in the case of Afghanistan, the taking asunder -- that, sir, maybe that, asunder, that is not quite as good as eviscerate -- but it has to do with taking down this illegitimate government of the Taliban that provides harbor to Al Qaeda.
CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2001
CHAMBLISS: Certainly, Wolf, the top priority is infiltrating terrorist organizations with human assets, people who work for us, rather than depending on what we refer to as liaison assets, people from other countries who work for other intelligence organizations, providing us with information.
CNN Transcript Nov 23, 2003
How many people have died at the hands of terrorist organizations since the violence began?
The putative leader of the terrorist organization was arrested by police in Birmingham yesterday.
He also denied reports that the United States plans to designate I.H.H. a terrorist organization.
If one however recognizes that that type of reconciliation is a code word for surrender, then characterizing this organization as a terrorist organization doesn't make any difference.
Stuck in Somalia
But after eight years of a botched military solution that has cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of lives and no appreciable decrease in adherents to terrorist organizations, I think it’s well past time that we closed the book on the “post-9/11 mentality.”
The Detroit Bomber and the Post-9/11 Mentality | Heretical Ideas Magazine
American adventurism is primarily responsible for creating most of the terrorist organizations in the world, who rise up in opposition to US hegemony.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Before We Argue – Lets See If We Are Living In The Same Universe
This swelling demographic of young, unemployed Yemenis represents a significant socioeconomic concern and a potential target for radicalization and recruitment by terrorist organizations.
The CIA agents successfully infiltrated into the terrorist organizations.
During the war in Gaza, the Sri Lankan government forces overran the last stronghold of the Tamil Tigers -- a group considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. government -- at the expense of dozens of civilians.
Numbers matter
Well, I believe the electronic surveillance has importance, but we really need to infiltrate the terrorist organizations.
This swelling demographic of young, unemployed Yemenis represents a significant socioeconomic concern and a potential target for radicalization and recruitment by terrorist organizations.
The CIA agents successfully infiltrated into the terrorist organizations.
He said the French foreign intelligence service and has maintained a close relationship, close attention to the training base of these movements of terrorist organizations.
ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: Well, it has to be a successful battle to stop the rocketing of Israeli towns and cities by the criminal Hezbollah terrorist organization.
CNN Transcript Jul 14, 2006
Many Republicans have called for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, an Australian, to be prosecuted under the US Espionage Act, or for his site to be deemed a "foreign terrorist organization.
That belief became illusion on September 5, 1972, in Munich when Israeli Olympians were taken hostage by the Black September terrorist organization.
Israeli spokesman Mark Regev says Hamas is a terrorist organization that refuses to renounce violence or recognize Israel.
Subject: GAZA story/updating As we hand off the updating of the Gaza story into this evening, please make SURE we keep at least these three grafs in our updating story: Hamas, whose charter specifically calls for the destruction of the state of Israel, is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdon and the European Union and is banned in Jordan.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Ethiopia says this has allowed Islamist groups, including the militant Shabab group listed by the United States as a terrorist organization, to steadily regain control over most of the country.
A day earlier, the Greek Foreign Minister Drew Chasi said that the Greek of the recent leaders against foreign embassies and mail bombing has nothing to do with international terrorist organizations.
Thoroughly expose the conspiratorial international terrorist organizations and put an end to their inhuman plans!
Did not vote on a September 2007 Senate resolution calling on the administration to declare Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization.
Their tactics have been copied by other terrorist organizations.
The co-host of a recent top-dollar fundraiser for Sen. John McCain oversaw the payment of roughly $1.7 million to a Colombian paramilitary group that is today designated a terrorist organization by the United States.
Although the administration officials say bin Laden's death will put al-Qaida on "a path of decline that will be difficult to reverse" they say the terrorist organization may not fragment immediately.
Last week, in a four-part series that aired on MORNING EDITION, NPR counterterrorism correspondent Dina Temple-Raston examined the lives of several young men raised on American soil who played key roles in or for terrorist organizations.
Raised In America And Aligned With Al-Qaida