- a planet having a compact rocky surface like the Earth's; the four innermost planets in the solar system
How To Use terrestrial planet In A Sentence
- The terrestrial planets in our solar system all have very specific spectroscopic fingerprints that tell us quite a bit about their atmospheres.
- Outline the evidence that some sort of late heavy bombardment occurred on all terrestrial planets. 5.
- Even if a terrestrial planet does exist in the Goldilocks zone it would be peppered with asteroid impacts.
- She's also interested in determining what conditions other than a liquid ocean might help initiate life on a terrestrial planet.
- Outline the arguments for and against the late heavy bombardment of a terrestrial planet occurring after its formation. 6.
- Outline the arguments for and against the late heavy bombardment of a terrestrial planet occurring after its formation. 6.
- Scientists see Titan as a complex world, closer to a terrestrial planet than a moon typical of the outer planetary systems.
- The theory of core accretion supposes the collisional accumulation of solid bodies, the process that is universally accepted as the formation mechanism of the terrestrial planets.
- We have been calling Vesta the smallest terrestrial planet, " Chris Russell, Dawn's principal investigator, said at the news conference.
- The mean density of Mercury indicates that its interior is substantially different from the interiors of the other terrestrial planets.