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  1. type genus of the Termitidae

How To Use Termes In A Sentence

  • Both the incisors and canines are unusual as they have a "talon" and "heel" structure, with the talons of the upper and lower incisors intermeshing to create a crushing surface between the heels (Boonstra 1962, 1963, 1969). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • This work also intermeshed with that of the Department of Agriculture.
  • I am mired in intangibles which impeccably intermesh with static neurones still firing blanks ...there is no disorientation quite like the bared walls of blunted rectitude Archive 2009-03-01
  • Many of the complications in the study of change are related to the way those three systems intermesh. Rediscovering Institutions
  • Other cover crops have a massive, fine root system that intermeshes with soil particles, stabilizing aggregation and creating many small channels.
  • What we are, what our lives are, intermesh with all of the world, certainly all of the human world, but all of the non-human, living world, the material world.
  • Lawyers and leaders must do a better job of recognizing the intermeshed dilemmas posed by an overcrowded planet and an increasingly interconnected globe.
  • Human rights, India's cultural and state sovereignty, and Western military intervention seem to be intermeshed in a dangerous manner for promoting Western human rights agendas in India and other nonwestern social/political domains. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • Recent evidence has shown that the harvester termite Microhodotermes viator most likely creates these heuweltjies. Kaokoveld desert
  • And ye shall know that we may dissemble, I meane speake otherwise then we thinke, in earnest aswell as in sport, vnder couert and darke termes, and in learned and apparant speaches, in short sentences, and by long ambage and circumstance of wordes, and finally aswell when we lye as when we tell truth. The Arte of English Poesie
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