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[ UK /tˈɜːsɪt/ ]
  1. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one

How To Use tercet In A Sentence

  • When I first read the poem, I put in a slight pause after each tercet. Sheryda Warrener reads Karen Solie
  • To analyze a sonnet into quatrains and tercets is to recognize it as a sonnet, and so to relate it to a conventional lyrical category.
  • But instead of following the never-ending spiral of an apple peel, the story is delimited by closed circularity: it begins with the last tercets and closes with the first quatrains of a sonnet.
  • Pada penyerahannya oleh pembuat atau penjual harus mencantumkan tanda peringatan yang tercetak sesuai coth Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • To analyze a sonnet into quatrains and tercets is to recognize it as a sonnet, and so to relate it to a conventional lyrical category.
  • We see the revered exegete reject metred verse - the sestet, the tercet ... Times, Sunday Times
  • Tra chi si giocher lambito trofeo anche Pat Angerer, buonissimo linebacker di Iowa che continua la grande tradizione difensiva degli Hawkeyes, di cui stato personality in questa stagione criminal 119 tackles allattivo; numeri inferiori, infine, per il plurititolato Eric Berry, defensive behind di Tennessee che si confermato uno dei migliori giocatori del ruolo totalizzando 75 placcaggi e 2 intercetti. Rites of Autumn Blog Archive College Football Awards: i finalisti.
  • He compiles a list of expressions to designate this double object and devotes the sonnet's tercets to its description.
  • These preferences often serve to clarify, but a less deft handling leads to tercets like the following, their force buried under prepositions, pronouns and modals.
  • This sets the stage for a listing of stanzaic forms moving from the couplet, through the tercet to finally arriving at the ode and unusual forms such as the sequidilla and the haiku, etc. THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
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