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[ US /ˈtɛntʃ/ ]
[ UK /tˈɛnt‍ʃ/ ]
  1. freshwater dace-like game fish of Europe and western Asia noted for ability to survive outside water

How To Use tench In A Sentence

  • Tru hung her gown away safely, then tore off her sweat-soaked uniform before she sloshed water all over her body, scrubbing away her stench with soap.
  • Hog waste is a major pollution source, communities surrounding the factories are strangled by a foetid stench and animal rights groups have long complained about the inhumane way pigs are raised and slaughtered.
  • Jerry smelled the familiar stench of beer as the tube neared his lips.
  • They scratch the soil from beneath the flags, which then sink, and the consequent stench from the drains is abominable, jeopardising the health of the tenants. Boing Boing: November 19, 2006 - November 25, 2006 Archives
  • There I have caught bream, roach, rudd, tench, perch, pike, and gudgeon.
  • Fishing a groundbait feeder with chopped worm he fished redworm on the hook tempting small carp and tench.
  • The violence of the past-specifically, the dreaded practice of necklacing, which mingled the smell of rubber with the ‘sickly stench of roasting human flesh’ has been eliminated.
  • Investigations led them to a cupboard where the stench seemed to be the strongest.
  • Sores festered on her face and arms and a terrible stench clung to the air surrounding her.
  • There is no shortage of choice and recent mild weather has seen mid-week anglers enjoying an unseasonal bounty of carp and tench.
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