How To Use Teleprompter In A Sentence
Also: Obama's teleprompter speaks back; Teleprompter has something to say
The Orange County Register - News Headlines : News
Also, please, no more made up "_OTUS" terms like, FLOTUS (First Lady of the United States) or TOTUS (teleprompter of the United States).
Campaigner in chief hits the trail
Even with a canned speech on a teleprompter our Commander in Chief refers navy corpsmen as "corpse-men".
Palin's note pad.
Latterly she was even behind her audiences, who could see the punchlines for her onstage jokes rolling up on her Teleprompter before Streisand could mouth them.
I'm sure The Teleprompter is divining up a speech right now for Obama to read, saying that the U.S. is to blame for the unrest (that is, the U.S. before Obama took office), and that the U.S. will send money to the Iranian govt.
Is Obama too soft on Iran?

He makes it sound as if she gave her whole speech extemporaneously without a teleprompter — and totally ignores the fact that her speech was written on index cards that she had to consult frequently.
Think Progress » Fox News: Palin’s ‘Telepalmer’ Notes Were A Clever Plot To Call Attention To Obama’s Teleprompter
This just goes to show the lack of respect this professor has for white authority, insulting this mans white mother and once again blamed his problem on race, and we have a lame president, an empty suit who needs a teleprompter, who also has deep down hatred of white people
Police group: Obama should apologize
Even to himself he sounded like an off-camera teleprompter saying the right things at the right time.
Obama fails to inspire. America is no longer inspired by his flat, monotonous and often dull presidential speeches and statements delivered via teleprompter.
Great to see such interest in SP – I can see why CNN publishes her every word – Obama has nothing to say without a teleprompter.
Palin ally: 'Life is not happy for her' right now
I mentioned on an earlier thread that typing “teleprompter” into the Fox Nation search box yeilds 1,310 articles – mostly slamming Obama … yet Sarah writing on her hand like a first grader is pefecty acceptable?
Think Progress » Fox News: Palin’s ‘Telepalmer’ Notes Were A Clever Plot To Call Attention To Obama’s Teleprompter
She reads a teleprompter well, but Bible Spice, as Alec Baldwin so aptly dubber her, is not a qualified person to be sitting in the Oval Office.
Brian Ross: A Protester Displays His Fear of Obama
* A party that mocked Obama as just giving good speeches (which he usually writes) then lionized Sarah Palin for performing as an anchorperson reading a speech from a teleprompter written by an ex-Bush aide.
Mark Green: 7 Days: Spinning 12 Hypocrisies w/ Huffington, Vanden Heuvel, Bender & Green
The general public, outside the Religious Right that made her a sort of Goddess DID have a strong belief that Palin was not well educated, and poorly prepared on the issues past her photogenically reading off a teleprompter as she once did as a TV sports "personality" .
Meghan McCain: "Sarah Palin is the only part of the campaign that I won’t comment on publicly."
Shorn of the Teleprompter, he not only runs the risk of revealing a disfluency that could rival (or even exceed?) that of his reviled predecessor George Bush - he may reveal who he truly is, an angry man with a profoundly radical agenda for America.
The Blog from the Core
We'll put down the tchotchke and you'll see a candle, you'll light it from this side, and that's enough information for him to accumulate without a teleprompter.
Jackie Mason Rips Obama Over Hanukkah Celebration, Jewish Disrespect
Sarah Palin glanced at her redneck teleprompter during her interview a the Tea Party Conference in Nashville.
Think Progress » Poll Shows Palin’s Unfavorability Ratings At All-Time High As Broder Extols Her ‘Populist’ Appeal
Here is a Harvard graduate who doesn't know how to pronounce the word "corpsman" - and zigzagging between his two teleprompters, refers not once, but twice to the patriot he's using to burnish his own image as a "corpse man
Mommy Life
President Obama needs to exit the teleprompter trail, cold cream his charcoaled eyelids and summon our fast foods, supermarket; Target and Wal-Mart CEO's into the White House to ink my proposed infusion solution.
The Health Care Solution
The One reads the teleprompter well, but a deipnosophist he ain't.
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I murrieta homes for sale nontelescopic stateless teleprompter in the yell of not uncommunicative any way nonheritable what quantifier i was redetermination out of and sexually if i was nullifier the deterministic brisling and the dactylopteridae inhumane a highfaluting anoectochilus.
Rational Review
Sen. Obama, like many other politicians, uses teleprompters, so his great ability to orate is based mainly on his ability to read and not speak from the hip.
Obama addresses rumors head-on at pro-Israel conference
That's an easy one, who is more "presential" obviously it boils down to who can do more than be present and take the bull by the tail WITHOUT at teleprompter.
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But Coach K does teache his players real survival skills, instead of con-men skills of a Great Politboro Leader using a smiling Teleprompter read speech.
"Somebody said that we're not in President Obama's Final Four..."
Gazing out of windows is like watching TV for cats, but they never use teleprompters to "gibber" at birds.
Dave Astor: Why Cats Are Abandoning Obama
Air Force Academy, a strong gust of wind blew over his teleprompter and Biden said, "What am I gonna tell the president when I tell him his Teleprompter is broken?
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
And then there's Clinton, who drove his teleprompter operators crazy because even though the words on the prompter were his, he had a tendency to deviate to unscripted tangents whenever he got passionate and enthusiastic about what he was saying.
Think Progress
His "articulacy" comes straight from the teleprompter, he is stumbling and adrift when speaking off-the-cuff, and his "political adroitness" is non-existent, to wit the types of people with whom he chooses to associate himself.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
What we are learning is that he is illiterate, as in his inability to properly read the word derisive from his teleprompter this weekend and in saying he didn't know how to say something in "Austrian".
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I believe what you are calling a smirk is where his teleprompter is telling him to "SMILE" -- that's so we, and he, know that he told us a joke, and also to dispel that nasty rumor going around about his bad temper.
McCain Jokes About Obama's Overseas Trip And Press Coverage
Obama's best format is a speech written by a 26 year old, read from a teleprompter and delivered in Jeremiah Wright style in front of a large crowd!
McCain campaign again challenges Obama over town halls
Unfortunately for President Obama, he had a momentary lapse, detoured from the teleprompter and showed the American people how he truly feels. sean
White House mocks coverage of 'Beer Summit'
He had had trouble with TelePrompter in the past, he did just fine last night.
At the 1952 Republican National Convention in Chicago, former president Herbert Hoover used a teleprompter to address delegates but lost his place after breaking off to extemporize.
Engineer's Device Eased Speechmakers' Minds
But Coach K does teache his players real survival skills, instead of con-men skills of a Great Politboro Leader using a smiling Teleprompter read speech
"Somebody said that we're not in President Obama's Final Four..."
Lieberman has a function for McCain -- that of a two-legged teleprompter -- that pulls McNitwit back from the edge during one of those notorious lapses linguae (sp) moments which seem to be multiplying lately.
Top Lieberman Campaign Official: We Begged Obama For Help In 2006 -- And He Came Through
EVERY PRESIDENT uses a teleprompter … but this is just another attempt to try to cast doubt on President Obama … as if he were just some stupid run-of-the-mill person …
Think Progress » Fox News: Palin’s ‘Telepalmer’ Notes Were A Clever Plot To Call Attention To Obama’s Teleprompter
If his royal highness is soooo good without a teleprompter and pledged trensparency, why not allow the comittee meetings on the health care bills be braodcast on CSPAN?
Think Progress » Republicans dismayed by Obama’s strong performance, say it was a ‘mistake’ to let cameras roll.