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telephone service

  1. a public utility that provides telephone service

How To Use telephone service In A Sentence

  • One might think that having a baseline regulated industry (cable TV or telephone service) over which the wire base has been amortized and out of which the cost of upkeep are paid, that a government-regulated monopoly might be put in the position of offering wholesale access to competitors on a level playing field. National Broadband Plan Is Cash for Clunking Carriers « PubliCola
  • Each still has exclusive rights to provide a basic, local telephone service.
  • Particularly in developing nations, where even dial-up Internet access is spotty and download speeds are stuck in first gear, plain-old telephone service is often the better way to go.
  • The commercial telephone service was no longer operative.
  • As a result, prior to the cellular authorization, only some fifty-four channels were allocated for mobile telephone service nationwide.
  • Railroads can boom, then bust, and then even be torn up; a frenzy of highway building can then follow, to slack off in its turn; copper wire can be laid for telephone service, then be replaced by fiber-optic cable (the latter often following railroad grades or highways!); a power distribution grid can be built at great expense, perhaps in turn to be "obsoleted" by cheap photovoltaics or fuel cells .... Who Do You Say I Am
  • Most rural areas and many small towns lack a fixed telephone service.
  • The site was established with water, electricity and telephone services and was extremely dry with good soakage and good soil.
  • The commercial telephone service was no longer operative.
  • As a result, prior to the cellular authorization, only some fifty-four channels were allocated for mobile telephone service nationwide.
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