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telephone book

  1. a directory containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers and their telephone numbers

How To Use telephone book In A Sentence

  • Photo Frames, Photo Album, Table Clock, Jewelry Boxes, Telephone Book Jewelry Boxes.
  • Telephone booking fees are another ploy used by airlines to shunt us online. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paying cash had the added benefit of leaving no record of our visit except a pencilled telephone booking under two untraceable names.
  • Hopefully, he looked first for Rose Hilaire in the telephone book; no such name, so she must be ex-directory.
  • Paying cash had the added benefit of leaving no record of our visit except a pencilled telephone booking under two untraceable names.
  • Advance telephone booking and referral by network panel doctors are required.
  • A lime-green book cover, a plastic soda bottle, newspapers, a telephone book, a blue Frisbee, something pink.
  • Did Berners-Lee, clearly a person of no little vision, foresee that, in just a few years, there would be a lot more to decentralize than telephone books and facility floor plans showing the visiting theoretical physicist the way from the coat room to the lab and, after a long morning among colliding protons, the optimal path to the closest WC? The English Is Coming!
  • Vernon was sitting in his armchair by the fire, his injured ankle propped on a telephone book.
  • Yet still the internet and telephone bookmaking pirates get away with plunder from their very lucrative business.
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