How To Use telegraphist In A Sentence
- But it is hard to say, because although under age, he enlisted as an Ordinary Seaman on the outbreak of World War II, later going to the Fleet Air Arm as a telegraphist air gunner, earned a commission, and served overseas - at eighteen years of age probably the youngest sublieutenant in the RCNVR. Looking for Trouble
- The electricians had contrived a catchment pool and a wheel in the torrent close at hand -- for the little Mulhausen dynamo with its turbinal volute used by the telegraphists was quite adaptable to water driving, and on the sixth day in the evening the apparatus was in working order and the Prince was calling -- weakly, indeed, but calling -- to his air-fleet across the empty spaces of the world. The War in the Air
- Ordering the telegraphists to stay at then - posts, he climbed out of the gunhouse to go up to warn the bridge, but finding it had already been wrecked he went back to the gunhouse to tell the men to abandon it. Graf Spee
- Mulhausen dynamo with its turbinal volute used by the telegraphists was quite adaptable to water driving, and on the sixth day in the evening the apparatus was in working order and the Prince was calling — weakly, indeed, but calling — to his air-fleet across the empty spaces of the world. The War in the Air
- In the early 20th century, telegraphists in the UK began experiencing ‘telegraphist's cramp ’, a condition thought to be caused by the rapid, repetitive movements required to send Morse code.
- Ten years ago I met Stalin's personal telegraphist, who told me how he was driven that night through a cold and rainy Moscow, ready to flee with his boss.