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technological revolution

  1. the transformation from an agricultural to an industrial nation

How To Use technological revolution In A Sentence

  • In the technological revolution that digital video has brought to filmmaking, these two works represent polar opposites of the brave new world.
  • This technological revolution is so pervasive in our culture that many self-proclaimed experts and futurists are predicting a paperless society - and sooner rather than later.
  • The phonemic patterning and the parallelism of phrase vocalize a concealed anxiety about the momentum and acceleration of this technological revolution.
  • The twin engines of economic growth - the technological revolution and globalisation - will only widen the existing gap.
  • So is this the start of a technological revolution, with footballers running round with microphone headsets like pop stars and security guards do?
  • It thanks to invent the electron leveling that leveling surveying realized digitalization and automation, which is a technological revolution in leveling surveying instrument history.
  • It is a potent symbol of a technological revolution based on science. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Tamara has more pressing problems than the technological revolution: desperate to escape from her precarious employment writing top ten lists for the paper's downmarket Psst! section "Corkers to Porkers – From Fab to Flab" is one of her triumphs, she dreams of ascending to the penthouse corridors of its cerebral stablemate S*nday, more likely to set before its discerning readers Sontag and Steiner than slappers and suntans. The Spoiler by Annalena McAfee – review
  • It's remarkably good to be living through this part of the technological revolution.
  • It was also a period of technological revolution, with low-slung rear-engined machines gradually ousting the classic front-engined cars. Times, Sunday Times
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