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How To Use Tea party In A Sentence

  • Just because the American people are disgusted with higher taxes, bigger government, left wing liberal give away policies and pacifist foreign policy attitudes, this idiot thinks the Tea Party activist is in someway trying to bring the country down. Clinton warns against violent anti-government attitude
  • The very existence of the Tea Party unsettles the assertion that stable liberal democracy yields a politics governed by reason alone. Feisal G. Mohamed: Against Historical Fundamentalism: Jill Lepore on the Tea Party
  • The quality of the loose-leaf tea is critical to the success of the British tea party. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sadly, Bachmann's inflated version of John Quincy Adams's antislavery record exemplifies how she and other Tea Party advocates remold the past into a founding-era-Disneyland version bolstering their political agenda. R. B. Bernstein: Will the Real John Quincy Adams Please Stand Up?
  • Some of the fundraising events planned to help raise €17,000 include 24-hour fasts and an American tea party later in the year.
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  • The two problems with that choice: (1) even if 40-50\% of the population disagrees with President Obama on issues like taxes or gay rights, probably only maybe 10-20\% of the population (those whose Facebook pages include fanhood of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, for instance) really sees him as "tyrranical" enough for 1700s "tea party" and "constitutional convention" references to resonate; and (2) politics are cyclical enough that as bad as things look for Republicans now, it's entirely feasible to plan for a Republican rebirth in 2012 Concurring Opinions
  • SACRAMENTO -- Thousands of tea party supporters in red, white and blue rallied for conservative causes Sunday at McClellan Park in Sacramento, as speaker after speaker denounced big government and excessive federal spending. front
  • You can't necessarily set the positive agenda that we want across the board, but you can stop a lot of bad things from happening, and that's a step forward," said Colin Hanna, president of tea party support group Let Freedom Ring. Tea Party Winners Take Ambitious Promises To Washington
  • If you buy the biblical spin of the Religious Right folks -- that make up the bulk of the Tea Party movement -- the implication is clear: Jesus will soon return, send all Democrats, gays, blacks, progressives, liberals, college-educated unbelievers, etc., to Hell, while saving what Sarah Palin calls "us" "Real Americans" -- in other words unreconstructed frightened and resentful white lower middle class Americans. AlterNet
  • Inward-looking austerity and Tea Party populism is not the answer, neither for the US nor for Europe. Raymond Johansen: Cooperative Leadership, Not Tea Party Cocktail
  • Climate change doubt – seen by Tea Party activists as a litmus test of conservative credentials – is not, as it turns out, energising the Republican masses. Changing climate of Republican opinion doesn't agree with Tea Party
  • The force of this movement makes the inquisition seem like a tea party. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where were all these so called conservatist and I might also mention the Tea Party people the last 8 years when the prev WH spent this country into oblivion?? Gingrich to sign Contract from America
  • Tea Party Express lost favor with many activists when its outspoken chairman, talk-radio host Mark Williams, wrote a "satirical" letter from the "colored people" of America to Abraham Lincoln, in which he extolled slavery. November elections will be big test of tea party's staying power
  • I'd say the Tea Party polling is pretty impressive given the mainstream media's daily assaults and intentional mischaracterizations of its motives and its supporters. CNN Poll: 1 in 10 say they're Tea Party activists
  • For many years, it has been the progressive movement that has championed advances in every level of American society -- from Social Security and Medicare to civil rights, equality of opportunity and freedom of choice. 2008 was a watershed election, an outcry from a large majority of Americans (not a tiny bunch of Tea Party extremists) for a fundamental change in the politics of our country. Hoyt Hilsman: Rooting for the Tea Party?
  • Government, both federal and state, should have saved their time if a pustule in the stream of competence such as is the Tea Party can succeed in convincing the public that all law post to the Tenth is illegal and unconstitutional. Stephen Herrington: Open Wide, Minimum Wage Is Good For You
  • Organizers are especially interested in talking with 10 freshmen House members that a prominent Tea Party-affiliated group has identified as persuadable on the question of continued U.S. involvement in Afghanistan: GOP Lawmakers Planning Meeting To Explore Alternatives In Afghan War
  • Tea party candidates could be described as dwile flonkers. blogs
  • In the Tea Party's case, both of these have now happened to some extent (groups like the Tea Party Express, or spokespeople like Sarah Palin), but both of these were Johnny-come-latelies (Sarah-come-lately?) to the party, and not originators of the movement itself. Chris Weigant: Tea Partying's First Anniversary
  • As well as re-orging every quarter the corporate wizards also like us to have a desk shuffle on a regular basis, making you feel much like a character at the mad hatters tea party.
  • Tea Party supporters gathered Thursday on a cold, drizzly day near the Capitol to remind lawmakers of their promises to make big cuts in spending. US Budget Dispute Continues
  • I've found, as a general rule in life, that the things that you think are going to be the scaliest nearly always turn out to be not so bad after all; but it wasn't that way with Bingo's tea party. Archive 2008-04-01
  • April 12th, 2010 at 5: 19 pm snoopy says: who was saying there were no racists in the tea party again? Think Progress » Ohio Tea Party Organizer And Father Of Part-Latino Son Threatens To Shoot Latino Immigrants
  • In response to the Boston Tea Party, in 1774 Parliament passed a series of Coercive Acts that closed the port of Boston, eliminated most forms of self-rule in Massachusetts, and allowed British soldiers to be housed in colonial buildings. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Washington Examiner editorial: Clinton is again peddling the argument that a new wave of domestic terrorism is coming this time because millions of Tea Partying Americans have during the past year or more taken to the streets to protest. Think Progress » Right-Wing Media Distorts Clinton’s Oklahoma City Speech To Claim He Wants To Muzzle Dissent
  • Oh, first, the deletions --- Armey & Kibbe's "Tea Party Manifesto" vanishes from the bestseller lists this week, after being #1 in both the political and general rankings last week ... BOOK WORLD - October 3, 2010
  • When did you come away from the tea party?
  • Thanks to the Tea Party and the corporate media, the dominant story line of the election is not the insufficient scale of government spending so far to boost employment in response to the massive fall in consumer demand resulting from the collapse of the housing bubble - Keynes 101 - but "out of control government spending. Robert Naiman: Britain's Budget Cuts - Will the Bell Toll For Us?
  • As opponents of big government converged on what has been billed as the first national tea party convention, organizers hoped the event would further "galvanize" the populist movement and help it gather momentum after a string of recent conservative electoral victories. Headlines
  • Mr. Breitbart says he suspects the accusations were just a cynical attempt by the left and elements of the media to "marginalize" the Tea Party movement. Rude for Reid
  • Their Tea Party is an all too familiar variant on Republican's long-time, poisonous, nativist strain easily carbon dated from the "Know Nothing" party that swelled their ranks 150 years ago. Paula Gordon: Rule AND Ruin
  • The Tax Day Tea Party protests began earlier this year when Rick Santelli, on-air editor for CNBC, ranted against what he called the bankrupt liberal agenda of the White House and Congress, a flawed stimulus bill and a pork-filled budget, according to the Tax Day Tea Party Web site. Undefined
  • Just last year, the organizer of a "Tea Party" protest in Virginia planed to burn House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Tom Perriello in effigy next weekend at a rally. Granholm worries of Tea Party's 'fringe element'
  • According to a statement from the Tea Party Express, one of the groups participating, the federation is being "established to create a unified message and media response amongst key leadership and their affiliates. Tea Party movement attempts to unite?
  • He's right, in the sense that the American Right began to unmoor itself from reality long before the Tea Party, or even Barack Obama's nomination. Carl Pope: The Party of Crazy
  • There's even a tea party plant: A shrubby thing called New Jersey Tea, used in place of the real thing during the American Revolution. In Washington, a frost on election day
  • So far, no politician has emerged as a leader of the Tea Party movement – and the question of just who might eventually take up the mantle is a hot topic on the bus. Looking for a leader, Tea Partiers issue invite to Palin
  • Largely funded by a few large industries and individuals (such as the Koch brothers), the Tea Party's pseudo-populism is not the same as the Christian Right's. Jay Michaelson: What Would it Mean to Turn Back the Clock to 1960? A Tax Hike on the Super-Rich
  • He is free to go and join fox oops fix news or the tea party movement. John King to replace Lou Dobbs
  • In the past, Palin embodied the populist style of the Tea Party movement while espousing a fairly mainstream Republican ideology. Palin's erratic behavior mars 2010 elections
  • The Tea Party candidate represents the worst species of brazenness, brainlessness, knavery, and hypocrisy since the Know-Nothings of the 1840s and 1850s, a party driven by popular fears that the country would be taken over by German and Irish Catholic immigrants, hostile to Anglo-Saxon values. Robert Brustein: Reviling Obama
  • See you at the TEA party in Joliet monday if its not too much WORK for you to get there. Stress, Taxes, Traffic, Corruption and the Parking Meter Fiasco | Chicago is Second to None
  • The Public option became controversial because the Administration stood idly by while the tea party folks barnstormed the nation with lies. Matthew Yglesias » The Road Not Taken
  • Compromise is anathema to the virulently anti-tax Tea Party wing of the Republican Party.
  • JD is just sucking up to the tea party and wacko right wing. Think Progress » Hayworth: Birtherism is an ‘identity theft’ issue.
  • A woman who chose not to be identified voices her opinion to Tea Party "crasher" Mary Schorsch of Beech Island, S.C., at Augusta Common. The Augusta Chronicle
  • But this calm and even pastorly tone reveals one way the Religious Right might continue to coexist with the Tea Party movement. Neil J. Young: Money, God And Greed: The Tea Party And Capitalism
  • By piously defending free speech while demogoguing against NPR, DeMint sounds like his Tea Party brethren who rail to "keep the Government out of my Medicare! Dave Zirin: Should NPR Have Fired Juan Williams? You Betcha
  • But I think if we look more carefully we'll see that in many ways the tea party movement resembles more closely the kind of secessionist feelings that were both part of the Confederacy before the Civil War and then also remained in the post-civil war Reconstruction era. - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • What do we think of Sarah Palin this weekend answering pre-screened questions from a like-minded audience in Nashville, a tea party convention, and still having to put a cheat sheet on her palm to answer what she calls the basics of her beliefs? Latest Articles
  • Sarah Palin kicked off the Tea Party Express '"Liberty at the Ballot Box" tour on Monday night, headlining an event in Reno. Democratic outside group launches Washington, West Virginia ads
  • ANCHORAGE, Alaska mdash; The Alaska Senate race was headed for another nailbiter in the rematch between write-in candidate Sen. Lisa Murkowski and tea party favorite ... Alaska Senate Race Saga Continues: Lisa Murkowski & Joe Miller Set For Another Showdown
  • In a USA Today opinion piece, he showed how far he would go in giving in to the Tea Party by vowing to eliminate the nation's entire family planning program -- a plan that would strip more than five million women and men of access to birth control, cancer screenings, STD testing, and well-women exams. Cecile Richards: Watching Mississippi and the Future of Women's Health
  • The Nevada senator argued the Tea Party was driving what he described as "mean-spirited" proposed cuts to the federal budget, some version of which Congress must past by April 8 in order to avoid a government shutdown. Breaking News: CBS News
  • The Nevada race represented perhaps the starkest showdown in the national battle between the Tea Party insurgency and the Obama/Dem vision, with Angle unabashedly arguing for dramatically scaled back or even non-existent government against Reid, the leading enabler of the Obama agenda. Harry Reid wins!
  • The White House ridiculed the agency's decision - with one senior official attacking S&P's "amateurism" - while Obama re-election strategist David Axelrod took a swipe at Republicans for the "Tea Party downgrade. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Additionally, Brady, a 17-year legislative veteran, has pushed back on some of the Illinois Tea Party's harsher and loopier positions. David Ormsby: Illinois Liberal Voters Will Determine if Governor Pat Quinn Marks a Progressive Era or Historical Footnote
  • Schauer attended her first tea party rally in 2009 and was impressed with the wittiness of the signs, the upbeat vibe and the detailed critiques of the Federal Reserve and national budget. For D.C.'s few tea party residents, home can at times feel like enemy territory
  • Palin kicked off a Tea Party bus tour in Nevada that will travel to 19 states in hopes of generating support for Republican candidates on Election Day. US Election Campaign Heads Into Final Two Weeks
  • Anyone young at heart is welcome to attend this tea party and we hope to have music to suit the occasion.
  • Tea Party marchers, however, acted with an air of constipation, arrogance, intolerant and predisposed to lying, fearmongoring, intimidation, and completely brainwashed from the faux news channel. Flashback to Obama campaign
  • ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The Alaska Senate race was headed for another nailbiter in the rematch between write-in candidate Sen. Lisa Murkowski and tea party favorite Joe Miller as supporters from both sides prepared Wednesday for a potentially prolonged ballot count. Alaska Senate Race Saga Continues: Lisa Murkowski & Joe Miller Set For Another Showdown
  • RP is the new pinnacle of the Armey-Koch corporate tea party. The Volokh Conspiracy » Change I Can Believe In
  • Public support can urge Republicans to repel policy and political risks of inaction and obsequiousness to Tea Party agendas. Bradford Kane: Lessons From the Debt Ceiling Crisis: Bipartisanship in the Tea Party Era
  • They could put on a tea party and have everyone wear white gloves and the right would still say the feminazis are on the march.
  • Just as I suspected no coverage of the Tea Party Express in Joliet yesterday. Sun-Times Media Group Burns Cash Hoping for Rescue | Local Fishwrap (Beacon-News) Will Become Tabloid
  • Its not the tea party perse but it is the fringies among them, the militant sprouting up among these fringies and the just plain loudmopuths try to score politically. Clinton warns against violent anti-government attitude
  • Ms. Kremer is paid for her work at Tea Party Express, too, and the organization is gearing up for two years of trench campaigning up to 2012. Rebel Movement Takes Center Stage
  • The rise of the Tea Party owes a great deal to Rupert Murdoch's Fox TV, the foghorn of extremism that changed the nature of political discourse. Britain must resist Tea Party thinking | Polly Toynbee
  • Koch Industries is using their deep coiffures to influence elections around the country: giving millions to Senate candidates who deny climate change, fueling the Tea Party, and funding Proposition 23, a ballot measure to overturn California's climate and energy policy. Courtney Hight: Joel vs. Koch Brothers -- Whose Side are you on? (VIDEO)
  • A recent Bloomberg National Poll confirmed what was already apparent, that the Tea Party movement has an intense hatred for anything they, or their leaders, deem to be socialist while both appreciating and wanting more government support for programs they like and, of course, not really understanding what the term socialist means. Socialism for the Tea Parties
  • I am admittedly an active avoider of the LWM, but from what I heard, all they talked about was his tax issues and the fact that he was *clearly* a tea party rioter. Joe Stack, Right Winger | RedState
  • PLEASANTON - A tea party protest over health care reform that began near Stoneridge Mall has spilled onto an Interstate 580 overcrossing and has forced the closure of off and onramps onto Foothill Road.
  • What we did was take a map of the United States and then we went head and pin pointed the members of congress that merited our attention and then we looked at those that might be politically vulnerable," said Joe Wierzbicki, a strategist with the conservative PAC Our Country Deserves Better, who are organizing the cross country Tea Party Express tour. Dueling bus tours in health care debate
  • Sen. MENENDEZ: Well, I think the reality is, is that the Tea Party, which is totally militated in the Republican Party and has also defeated several of their mainstream candidates, including incumbent U.S. senators, has generated a lot of enthusiasm in their party. A Look At Democrats' Chances In The Midterms
  • Tea Party activists view the flag as a historic symbol of American defiance, but critics say the familiar flag with the image of a coiled rattlesnake is now associated with the controversial political movement. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: April 9, 2010
  • The Tea Party folks seem to have a lot of racists and haters in their ranks. noreen salter House members report increased threats since vote
  • What to watch now: How the new House Speaker handles a trio of defining challenges: The short term standoff over funding the government; the looming budget wars; and pressure from the Tea Party base to extract major "concessions" in exchange for raising the federal debt ceiling. The Morning Plum
  • She refused his invitation to the tea party.
  • He winks at President Obama's most visible public opposition, citing the original Boston Tea Party, and pulls out his originalist ouija board, declaring that James Madison and Alexander Hamilton would have opposed ratification of the Constitution had they known the individual mandate might someday become law. The fight over health-care reform is more political than legal
  • Steam enthusiasts barely noticed the untumultuous tea party sized meeting which had gathered to show support for international superstar Robin Page and exchange reasons on why UKIP would be successful if only they were in charge. Archive 2009-02-01
  • After her Tea Party Convention speech this weekend, Sarah Palin flew to Houston to continue campaigning for herself. Think Progress » DeMint Appeases Beck On McCain, Threatens To Be His ‘Biggest Opponent’
  • ORLANDO - Tomorrow, Tea Party activists will take to the streets of Orlando again. SplicedFeed
  • The disconnect between the frenetic pace of creative destruction in the private sector and the calcified, operating-as - always approach in government helps account for disaffected young Obama supporters on one side and fed-up tea party members on the other. From Wikinomics to the Tea Party
  • I could also imagine it's really confusing/angering when so many in the Tea Party love to demonize Muslims and now have to defend a candidate who admittedly "dabbled" in witchcraft, dated witches and had a picnic on a satanic altar. Dean Obeidallah: The Chamomile Tea Party?
  • Having arrived at 9am from Aberdeen, the pair were clad more as mad hatters tea party than scruffy gig chic.
  • The creation of the federation is being announced at a Tea Party Express rally Thursday morning in St. Paul, Minnesota. Tea Party movement attempts to unite?
  • Dems have been elevating Tea Party whack-jobbery for months now. Will the Dems' Tea Party strategy work?
  • Republican supporters of the conservative Tea Party movement will worry that the cuts can't be enforced while some don't think the debt limit should be raised at all.
  • It could be the Koch brothers bankrolling the Tea party, or the network of high-roller groups that now dominate the Republican Party see the New York Times piece over the weekend. Richard Brodsky: Defending the Indefensible: David Brooks on Income Inequality
  • Republicans have a strong wind at their back heading into November, but one weakness the party must overcome is that, in many House and Senate races, a furious Republican primary electorate, dominated by Tea Party activists, has nominated candidates far more conservative than the constituents they seek to represent. Alan Grayson Opponent Challenged By Local Media On Opposition To Abortion Rights For Rape Victims (VIDEO)
  • Williams and his Tea Party Express gang are expelled from the Tea Party thanks to his idiotic behavior and recent writings. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Search and destroy
  • Tea Party super heroine, Sarah Palin decried the NAACP's accusation and shot back that "I am saddened by the NAACP's claim that patriotic Americans who stand up for the United States of America's Constitutional rights are somehow 'racists,'" Constitutional rights are quite elastic and not necessarily synonymous with anti-racist. Noura Erakat: The Tea Party and Race in America
  • After O'Donnell's shocking primary victory over Rep. Mike Castle last week, Rove spoke with Hannity about the un-electability and "nutty" - ness of the one-time Christian right crusader turned Tea Party-backed Senate candidate. Karl Rove On Christine O'Donnell: 'She Handled The Witchcraft Issue Great' (VIDEO)
  • Tea party demoralization is right around the corner. Think Progress » McConnell Slams Financial Reform Bill After Meeting With Hedge Fund Managers And Other Wall Street Elites
  • Flame throwers like "Young Gun" Eric Cantor, and the Tea Party thickhead Michelle Bachmann both want a seat of power in the House. Brian Ross: Mr. Boehner, People in Burning Houses Shouldn't Brandish TNT
  • RAND PAUL DELIVERS MAIDEN SENATE SPEECH, COMPARES TEA PARTY TO ABOLITIONISTS - Despite the well-established fact that John Brown spent his years dressing up like a minuteman, proudly not voting for his senator and bringing his own collapsible lawn furniture to political rallies, Senator Rand Paul felt the need to reiterate his movement's similarity's to America's anti-slavery activists today. HUFFPOST HILL - HCR Repeal Measure Fails In Senate
  • April 16th, 2010 10: 41 am ET forget sarah palin shes tryin to take over the libertarians tea party Obama says Tea Partiers owe him a thank you
  • This odd mix of Tea Party Jacobinism and feminist grievance has become Palin's operating style. Palin's erratic behavior mars 2010 elections
  • The most pathetic thing in the world is that the Tea Party has degenerated from a real populist movement (that was years overdue) to a group of racists and nutcases trying to protect the Republicans from accountability. McConnell: There's a bailout fund in current Wall St. reform bill
  • When a black reporter recently ventured into a big Tea Party rally, a "greeter" confused the reporter for a stadium worker, stopping him stone-cold at the gate: "Are you working tonight? Richard M. Benjamin: GOP Strategy to Re-Take Congress: "A Heaping Plate of Soul"
  • That kind of zealousness seems fine when it is offered in opposition to the fascist repression of Nazism; on the other hand, when we hear it today from the Tea Party types, it sends a certain chill. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Max Manus
  • Jon Stewart's laudable Rally to Restore Sanity is a welcome message aimed at bringing calm and moderation to the overheated political debate that Glenn Beck has ginned up with the Tea Party. Deepak Chopra: Glenn Beck and the faithful are attacking faith
  • The national Tea Party Express tour that winds its way through Michigan in early April has added a twist to their stops in the Upper Peninsula: calling for the defeat of Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Menominee, who was a key swing vote on health care legislation in Congress. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: April 1, 2010
  • The very first article posted last week about the "spitter" said that the TEA Party protesters gathered on a "grassy knoll". Latest Articles
  • For this reason, both the New Left and the Tea Party movement are radically anticonservative. Why the Tea Party Encourages & Terrifies Me | Managing Greatness
  • A conservative PAC is raising money to run an ad on Alaska airwaves that paints Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski as an entitled 'princess' and crybaby for deciding to stay on the ballot as a write-in candidate in November after her loss to to tea party favorite Joe Miller in last month's primary. Lisa Murkowski Painted As 'Princess,' Crybaby In Conservative Ad (VIDEO)
  • Fox "News" has long been a fomenter of violent crime, encouraging the tin-foil hat crowd to embark on mercenary missions to take out liberals and other normal, thinking people in waves of violent crimes in churches, woman's health clinics, and pretty much anywhere they find them, and this was true of the so-called witless tea party protests of Obama's tax reform plan. Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?
  • In the earlier Republican news conference, Boehner said he saw no problem for Republicans in "incorporating members of the tea party with our party in the quest that's really the same" following the midterms, which amounted to a major rebuff of Obama and the Democrats by an electorate worried about the economy and the size of government. After midterm wins, GOP vows to block Obama's agenda
  • Fifty-nine Republicans in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted against the deal. Many were elected last November with support from the conservative Tea Party coalition.
  • It is more a difference between 'confused thinking and feeling people' and an 'easily mesmerised and manipulated 'vulgate', that is to say the GOP and tea party set. Is the lunatic fringe hijacking America?
  • Internal disputes threaten to upset the teacart as the Tea Party movement's plans for a national convention in Nashville are taking some lumps, observers say. Hispanic Business Magazine
  • The event, known as the Boston Tea Party, led to a series of British punitive measures which propelled the colonies towards war.
  • The whole statement by Raggio is worth reading, in part because it backs up Plouffe's point about the rightwards shift caused by the Tea Party movement. US midterm elections live blog - Thursday 7 October
  • He carried his girl-friend to the tea party yesterday.
  • We can analyze the minutia ad infinitum, point our fingers of blame at Tea Party politics and assail the rhetoric of the right wing more broadly. Morris W. O'Kelly: Time for President Obama to Channel Samuel L. Jackson
  • Those are huge questions, says Mike Power, 61, a gray-haired retired busi nessman who started a tea party group in Morgan County, Ala. Rebel Movement Takes Center Stage
  • MINNEAPOLIS (The Borowitz Report) -- Making a joint appearance at a Tea Party rally in Minneapolis, former Alaska Gov. Andy Borowitz: Palin, Bachmann, Seek Two Additional Horsemen
  • All we have growing out this tea party is a want a be linch mob. Key senator unveils long-awaited health-care proposal
  • It is almost impossible to believe and downright sickening to accept that in light of the clear mandate of the tea party that the GOP stands on the cusp of returning to 'establishmentarianism,' ABC News: Top Stories
  • We had a tea party to celebrate our headmaster's silver wedding.
  • Tea partier Paladino's John "Mr. Puddles" McCain moment is hardly likely to undercut the prevailing image of the Tea Party as "A hall full of elderly white people in Medicare-paid scooters, railing against government spending and imagining themselves revolutionaries as they cheer on the vice-presidential puppet hand-picked by the GOP establishment. Paladino wanders off stage during NY debate
  • What's tragic about the current stand-off between the Tea Party anti-tax zealots and the Democrats is that as recently as the mid-1990s there was an actual consensus among liberals and conservatives, including the antigovernment Americans for Tax Reform and Ralph Nader's liberal Public Interest Research Group, that strove to curtail subsidies and tax breaks for business. Jane White: The Social Security Fix: End Corporate Welfare
  • Not to be outdone, Dean Clancy, a Tea Party health policy analyst, wrote that, "I fear it's not the brainy Ryan who has pulled off a coup, but rather the wily Wyden, a dyed-in-the-wool progressive who makes no secret of wanting single-payer, government-run health care. Menachem Rosensaft: Ron Wyden: Forging Common Ground on Medicare Reform
  • Glenn Beck and the Tea Party represent a very vocal minority, so worked up about the direction of our nation that they'll pour into Washington by the hundreds of thousands to worship at the feet of a religious revivalism rooted in nostalgia for a white-washed version of America that never was. Sally Kohn: One Nation March: Sometimes Size Doesn't Matter
  • Some of them are now realizing following or pleasing the uneducated tea party morons and Fox news ridiculous commentators is unproductive. Gingrich praises Obama's speech
  • The more Obama retreats, the more he emboldens the Tea Party and their corporate backers and the more he demoralizes his already demoralized base, leading to an approval rating among Democrats that's now the lowest since he took office. Paul Loeb: Praising the Hostage Takers: Will Obama Ever Hold the Republicans Accountable?
  • In the summer NAACP members called on tea party groups to "repudiate" what they called "racist elements" in the movement. NAACP backs report that ties racist groups to tea party
  • Like the Tea Party, I worry about their future, about their ability to find a job in an economy stagnated by our newfound lack of daring and initiative, in a world where America whiffed at its best opportunity to do anything about fending off climate change and which the only spending that goes unchallenged is to sustain wars 11,000 miles away. Will Bunch: Palin, Beck, the Tea Party and the Big Lie About Saving "Children and Grandchildren"
  • All hail Dick Armey, a gravel-voiced Lee J Cobb of the Tea Party Conspiracy (Washington Branch), in fine fire-breathing form, and talking the veriest horseshit, as he often will. Kara Vallow: The CPAC Rodeo Roundup
  • A Christian Right whose political agenda cannot be squared with - and is a formal rejection of - the Sermon on the Mount, and a Tea Party calling itself 'constitutionalist' - whose agenda cannot be squared, no matter how many tri-cornered hats they wear - with the Constitution of the United States. Michael Carmichael: Battleground North Carolina: Democratic Women Fired Up!
  • Mark Block, fresh from the Wisconson branch of the Koch-family-funded Americans for Prosperity Tea Party astroturfer, makes smoking into an anti-government act of defiance. Shawn Lawrence Otto: Blowback: The Failure of Cain Cool
  • It is earnestly hoped that you'll attend out tea party.
  • We had a tea party to celebrate our headmaster's silver wedding.
  • The latest verbal gaffe from the tea party-backed contender came when she squared off in a debate against Democratic opponent Chris Coons. Christine O'Donnell Can't Name A Democratic Senator, But Sends Hillary Clinton Some Love (VIDEO)
  • The first-time candidate and small-government philosopher is practically tea party royalty since his father is libertarian hero Ron Paul, the Texas congressman. The Rise Of Rand Paul & How Tea Party-Backed Candidates Could Face Rocky Road On Capitol Hill
  • Over the weekend, Mr. Kerry showed a sharper edge, blaming House Republicans for blocking a broad deficit-reduction deal that would have included tax increases and using the term tea party downgrade'' to describe a credit firm's decision to strip U.S. debt of its triple-A rating. Reid Names First Debt-Panel Picks
  • The NAACP is going after the Tea Party in a report due out this week. HUFFPOST HILL - OCTOBER 18TH, 2010
  • Last week, Shaheen was being interviewed by the ever-so-civil Chris Matthews when he maligned many of Shaheen's own constituents by using the term "crazy Tea Party people. All Stories
  • At their annual meeting in Kansas City last week the NAACP, the nation's largest civil rights organization, accused the Tea Party of harboring racist elements and called on leaders of the movement to "repudiate" those elements. Mitch McConnell Refuses To Discuss Tea Party Racism: 'I Have Got Better Things To Do'
  • Murkowski was defeated in the GOP Senate primary by Tea Party upstart Joe Miller, who has adopted an avidly anti-federal government platform, a focal point that the PAC is assaulting in a barrage of negative attacks. Super PAC 'Alaskans Standing Together' Using Unlimited Corporate Donations To Help Keep Murkowski In Office
  • Fiscal Conservatives, Small Government, etc. So now the GOP tries to expand and dilute the Tea Party, adding in different flavors of 'conservativism' - social conservativism, theism, anti trade isolationism, xenophobia, foreign policy isolationism * and* interventionalism (U! Stories / Popular
  • If the Tea Party protests are starting to attract other fringe movements to their protests, that simply sounds like a right-wing analog to the anti-war/anti-globalization/etc movements I mentioned earlier. The Volokh Conspiracy » House Democratic Leaders Drop “Deem and Pass”
  • After the Boston Tea Party in 1774, however, his willingness to compromise vanished.
  • If, Tea Party members and repuglican leadership do not tone the rhetoric, I believe we will see more threats and major violent acts against innocent Americans by militias, anti-government types, successionist, or modern day confederates! Authorities report rise in threats against members of Congress
  • THE IRONY OF RHEE -- Michael Tomasky on Michelle Rhee in the Guardian: She's lately thrown in whole hog with the right wing, advising tea party governors like Rick Scott of Florida, and undoubtedly cheering lustily for the jackboot to land on the throats of the teachers of Wisconsin. DeMorning DeBonis: Feb. 23, 2011
  • Let's call the Tea Party what it is: an angry reaction to what they deem is a leftist African-American president. Poll: Tea Party allies deny racism element, critics say otherwise
  • Sure, it is mutually understood by both the "appreciator" and the "appeciatee" that the medium only exists on a webpage, but like two kids pretending to play "tea party" it starts to become somewhat redundant in its action. Gil Laroya: "Thank You" Redefined... Online
  • On the other hand, with Mr. Perry and Ms. Bachmann splitting the social conservatives and tea party affiliates, there's an opportunity for Mr. Romney to cobble together a winning coalition of his own. Four-Horse Race in Iowa
  • November 25th, 2009 1: 08 pm ET ahh, now the in-mates are truly running the asylum. when will the people see that these ladies do not care about them or their cause. this whole tea party foolishness is one mass mind warp! Palin, Bachmann to headline Tea Party convention
  • Cuccinelli political director Noah Wall said the attorney general accepted the invitation from the group, one of dozens that have sprung up devoted to discussions of the constitution and broadly associated with the tea party movement. Cuccinelli to be featured speaker for constitution group
  • Of course, this means that usually they get away with it, and then spend 15 minutes in nonsensical Mad Hatter Tea Party discussion of a misformulation. Matthew Yglesias » The Five Percent Solution
  • No go unplug from the computer, turn off your tea party forums and go to a library and find some archives and check out the timeline of Iran/Iraq and our meddling. Think Progress » Florida doctor tells Obama voters they are not welcome: ‘Seek urologic care elsewhere.’
  • We didn't meet anybody new at the tea party.
  • Would the Tea Party have filed impeachment proceedings? Times, Sunday Times
  • For being so well educated these tea Party people don't have much commen sense. Obama says Tea Partiers owe him a thank you
  • The general effect at the table is of a dollhouse, or a tea party.
  • He also took to task Republicans, the Tea Party and what he called the lack of shared sacrifice in both the economy and the just-passed debt ceiling bill. Matt Damon Rips Debt Deal, Republicans, Tea Party (VIDEO)
  • Bill Maher laid into the tea party movement and the American people for what he described as their disconnect from the reality of the nation's ... Bill Maher Blasts Tea Baggers For Ignoring Defense Spending (VIDEO)
  • Already any attempts to analogize the philosophy or aggravations that lead to the previous tea party with the current tea party miss the point and significance of the modern uprising. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Stamp Act
  • You see, it's much easier for us to write an article about something if we can sum it up with an appositive phrase: "The tea party, which is a conservative movement Tea Parties: Are They Just A Whole Bunch Of Book Clubs?
  • Senate: The first big race to watch of the evening is the race for Jim Bunning's seat that pits Rand Paul (R, son of Ron Paul, a Tea Party and libertarian favorite) against Jack Conway (D, State Attorney General). Sheri and Allan Rivlin: Hour-By-Hour Guide To 2010 Election Returns Part 1 - Introduction & 6:00 EDT Closings
  • But the relaxation of that afternoon tea party didn’t last. Smithsonian Mag
  • As one sign asked of health-care nationalizer Obama at a Wyoming Tea Party, MEDICARE IS GOING BROKE, MEDICAID IS GOING BROKE, AND YOU WANT US TO BELIEVE WHAT? Bracing Brew
  • It also singles out five members of various tea party groups, one of whom has been expelled from the movement, as having ties to anti-Semitic, militia or white nationalist groups. NAACP backs report that ties racist groups to tea party
  • Tea party supporters became poll watchers in precincts across Houston to guard against voter fraud. Some complaints surface amid stepped-up efforts to monitor voting fraud
  • For the Tea Party: a boatload of petards upon which they can hoist themselves. Will Durst: Will Dur$t'$ 2011 Xma$ Gift Wi$h Li$st
  • Down deep, forces like populism, libertarianism and skepticism of government - throw in some cultural conservatism and a dash of antielitism and, according to Tea Party critics, some measure of residual racism - created the swell that swept over American politics in Top Stories
  • Around 10:30 a.m. some of those taxpayers, organized by tea party-affiliated groups, gathered on the statehouse steps. Protests Fail to Sway Wisconsin Governor
  • The tea party folks will claim the Kenyans are doing it to smear and ridicule them, then they will join in with Fuchs Noose to re-emphasize their claim that President Obama is not an American and needs to show each and every one of them his long form birth certificate. Think Progress » Pentagon pressured to cancel event hosting anti-Muslim evangelist speaker.
  • The elegantly dressed, pink-bespectacled president also once scaled the fence at Gramercy Park with ladders and sat illegally in the park saying "this today was our Boston Tea Party. Honesty Cabby Returns $75,000 Worth Of Jewelry He Found In His Taxi
  • While Tea Party protesters have attracted most of the media attention of late, immigration reform rallies held in recent weeks throughout the country - including a massive March 21 gathering in Washington - have attracter far greater numbers. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • She refused his invitation to the tea party.
  • While not denying the crudeness of the image, Tea Party organizers stressed that those who carry the signs are a few "bad apples. Obama as witch doctor: Racist or satirical?
  • This is part of what's driving the sense of political urgency this year, especially within precincts of the tea party. Revolt of the Accountants
  • Yesterday afternoon I went along to the luxurious Merrion Hotel for a very grand tea party.
  • HAGERTY: For their part, religious conservatives have benefited hugely from the rise of the Tea Party. The Tea Party's Tension: Religion's Role In Politics
  • Schauer attended her first tea party rally in 2009 and was impressed with the wittiness of the signs, the upbeat vibe, and the detailed critiques of the Federal Reserve and national budget. For D.C.'s few tea party residents, home can at times feel like enemy territory
  • The bulk of the criticism levied against the Tea Party has been directed at their most visible absurdities: the laughable primitivity of O'Donnell, Rand Paul, and Sharron Angle, the drawing of Hitler mustaches on the president (and occasionally on themselves), Glenn Beck's high-octane McCarthyism, the unhinged nativist fashion shows, etc. Daniel Cluchey: The Price of Tea
  • It would be tempting to say -- as many commentators have -- that no connection exists between Loughner's murderous rampage and, for example, the Tea Party's insistence that the tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of tyrants or Sarah Palin's now-infamous map depicting the crosshairs of a gunsight over certain congressional districts, including Gifford's. Ben Daniel: Jared Loughner And The Incarnation Of Violent Rhetoric
  • I recommend a funny hat, a tea party and the unbirthday song. I Forgot to Put on a Title!
  • Ryan's second likely objective is to dog-whistle to the GOP's authoritarian/tea party base. Jonathan Weiler: Stating the Obvious: Paul Ryan Doesn't Care About Deficits
  • Rubio is yet another clownish conservative whose primary skill is sounding tought and feathering his own nest and yet the tea party sees him as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Crist brushes off top adviser's resignation
  • Scott Brown "miffing" Tea Party because he vote yes on extending unemployment benefits? The Teaser
  • Libertarians and many "Tea Partiers" unknowingly wish to spin our Democracy into an a kind of anarchistic oligarchy where the banks and corporations will rule and mercilessly step on not only on the tea party people, but all the little people and we will continue to have what we ` ve had for so many years: Democracy for the few. Boulder Daily Camera Most Viewed
  • That month the liberal media watchdog Media Matters published a number of examples of what it called promotion of the Tea Party by Fox. Daring Fireball
  • Fox "News" has long been a fomenter of violent crime, encouraging the tin-foil hat crowd to embark on mercenary missions to take out liberals and other normal, thinking people in waves of violent crimes in churches, woman's health clinics, and pretty much anywhere they find them, and this was true of the so-called witless tea party protests of Obama's tax reform plan. Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?
  • My personal opinion (gut feeling) tells me this was the biggest ripp-off of the American people (taxpayers) since the “Boston Tea Party”,if that makes any sense? Homeless in an economic storm
  • The Tea Party movement is not on the verge of joining the tiny "groupuscule" of neonazis in our country. Chip Berlet: Fox News Hoax Exploits Holocaust Link to Mask Racism in Tea Parties
  • I jokingly refer to the 'orchestrator' as the tea party block captain. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
  • The bulk of the criticism levied against the Tea Party has been directed at their most visible absurdities: the laughable primitivity of O'Donnell, Rand Paul, and Sharron Angle, the drawing of Hitler mustaches on the president and occasionally on themselves, Glenn Beck's high-octane McCarthyism, the unhinged nativist fashion shows, etc. Daniel Cluchey: The Price of Tea
  • On Friday, the "Tea Party Express" group will travel cross-country on a bus tour starting in Sacramento, California and winding down in Washington, D.C. on September 12. 'Tea Party Express' trucks on with tour aimed at health care
  • However, it seems to me that your comparison is inapt, in that the Tea Party movement is a group of individuals acting collectively, but outside formal government, whereas the current understanding of “nudge” or “shove,” especially in the context of the original post, refers to the government using its monopoly onforce. The Volokh Conspiracy » Josh Wright on Behavioral Economics in the Obama Administration:
  • Because these threads owe so much to the Tea Partyers and their success in KY with Rand Paul, who you have not said is other than representative of libertarians, I would like to know what we might expect of such people if, Heaven forefend, they were elected to public office, let alone the US Senate. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Activist Government” and the Rights of Minorities
  • Saturday's march leading to the Capitol stretched for blocks on the final day of the Tea Party Express 'cross-country bus tour, which began August 28 in Sacramento, California. Obama adviser: Protesters wrong about health-care reform
  • Timothy H. Bishop, whose district includes eastern Long Island in downstate New York, is facing a surprisingly strong challenge from a tea party-backed challenger. Some House elections that Democratic incumbents could lose
  • We had a tea party to celebrate our headmaster's silver wedding.
  • The Tea Party collectively is not extreme; it is too diverse/disorganized for that — its got loads of extremists puling it in loads of directions and the sum of these vectors is as of yet unkown The Volokh Conspiracy » Bloggers think Repubs should associate with Tea Party. Disagree on whether independent run would help Crist
  • Palin, who helped put the Tea Party on the map, and her protegee O'Donnell, best personify the new breed of Republican: charming, attractive, angry non-intellects who mock education, science and logic, while claiming "I am you" in an effort to identify with average voters. Andy Ostroy: The Midterms: It's the Stupidity , Stupid

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