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tax benefit

  1. a tax deduction that is granted in order to encourage a particular type of commercial activity

How To Use tax benefit In A Sentence

  • The year end expiration of the bonus depreciation tax benefit, which was expected to boost outlays, had no major impact.
  • More families will also qualify for Family Tax Benefit Part B, with a second income earner allowed to bring home more before the benefit is lost.
  • I think your view is, hey if your investment is a real stinkeroo, it may be time to unload it and take the tax benefit. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2007
  • Provincial governments are devising policies to boost birthrates, including longer maternity leave, cash subsidies and tax benefits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tax benefits of marriage are not confined to a couple's lifetime. Times, Sunday Times
  • In whichever way you choose to help out, I'm sure that the tax benefit of giving is the last thing on your mind.
  • Residents who claim housing and council tax benefits will soon receive a letter telling them about the scheme and how to sign up to it.
  • The act did not abolish DISCs but limited their tax benefits and imposed an interest charge to tax-deferred earnings.
  • The masses, having lived in peonage and slavery under their old masters, fell into a similar yet more industrialized status as United States firms moved onto the island in search of cheap labor and tax benefits.
  • Wonder no more, Bush's supply-side tax cuts were never meant to trickle down to the average American ~ they were meant, along with lucrative tax benefits, for the major corporations who have gone overseas to reap significant profits ~along with atumbling dollar working to their advantage. WALL STREET SOARS WHILE MAIN STREET SINKS
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