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[ UK /tˈɔːdɹɪnəs/ ]
  1. tasteless showiness

How To Use tawdriness In A Sentence

  • Nevertheless so clumsy a beau, that thou seemest to me to owe thyself a double spite, making thy ungracefulness appear the more ungraceful, by thy remarkable tawdriness, when thou art out of mourning. Clarissa Harlowe
  • No loose flowing robes, no shoon half a yard long, no flaunting tawdriness of fringe and aiglet, characterized the appearance of the baron, who, even in peace, gave his address a half-martial fashion. The Last of the Barons — Volume 02
  • Nevertheless, Leanna Brodie in the title role gave a remarkably moving, heartfelt performance as a woman yearning for something real amid the tawdriness around her.
  • If your homeland is to survive fair and honorable, it must advance, rapidly, out of the fetid ooze of tawdriness, puerility, and troglodytism that at least one of its more vociferous citizens inhabits and spews.
  • But he harbors secrets, mostly of his own psychopathology, which begin to surface as he gets caught up in local tawdriness. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: The Killer Inside Me
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