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tap dance

  1. a dance step tapped out audibly with the feet
  1. perform a tap dance

How To Use tap dance In A Sentence

  • Every night I come in and tap dance in costumes.
  • Where, in brief, was tap dance on the eve of millennium?
  • Tap dancers as entertainment falls somewhere between colonic irrigation and embalming.
  • Rap comes out of the story telling and braggadocio of the blues, the cadences of gospel preachers and comedians, the percussive improvisations of jazz drummers and tap dancers.
  • The names of the sets and steps are taken from such familiar forms as the hornpipe or the soft shoe or even tap dance.
  • This year's Living Treasure in American Dance Award was presented to 92-year-old tap dancer Leonard Reed, inventor of the Shim Sham Shimmy, now a standard step for all tappers.
  • The theatrical element of the show though never let up with various song and dance set pieces featuring trapeze artists, skateboarders, a tap dancer in top hat and tails, and even a dancing bagpiper.
  • Eventually, they end up in costume, performing song and dance acts and at last tap dance into the box with the beetle-man.
  • The theatrical element of the show though never let up with various song and dance set pieces featuring trapeze artists, skateboarders, a tap dancer in top hat and tails, and even a dancing bagpiper.
  • There you have a basic beginning, tap dance continued to grow alongside the music that it was danced to.
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