- dough stuffed with a meat mixture and sometimes wrapped in corn husks and steamed
How To Use tamale In A Sentence
- For the same $50 you can see a dozen museums in Little Rock and still have money left over for a plateful of tamales smothered with chili at Doe's Eat Place, Bill Clinton's favorite haunt. Pam Grout: Doing It On The Cheap In Little Rock
- The classic accompaniment to this dish in the Sierra Huasteca is a sweet corn tamale, which is dipped into the sauce. Braised Chicken with Vanilla: Pollo al Vainilla
- Asafran and mole tamales come wrapped in banana leaves and the bola is wrapped in corn husks and is much larger and more challenging to consume. A Tamal Made by Someone Else
- ```Born for tamale, corn husk falls on you out of the blue. OUTCAST
- The tamale was the best I have ever had, and for the first time ever, I did not have to ask for spicy salsa for my nachos. FIUSM.com
- The meaty texture of mushrooms made them ideal for cooking in stews with chiles and herbs, for filling tamales, or even for making a mole de hongos, a mushroom mole. Stalking The Wild Mushroom: An Ancient Mexican Culinary Tradition
- Tamales Curra's Grill Order varieties like pollo verde (chicken in a tomatillo sauce) or salpicon de jaiva (crab with tomato and olives) from this Austin landmark. Food
- Mi idea es que los tamales se preparan por muchas razones, entre ellas: 1) rinden bastante; 2) ya que estén preparados, los que lleguen pueden comer a gusto sin costar más trabajo a los familiares y se pueden dedicar a los rezos. Novena?
- The menu has little that could be called nouvelle but instead offers comforting renditions of dishes that El Cholo helped make classic: enchiladas Suizas, fajitas, green corn tamales.
- The staples on the combo plate fell short of expectations; the tamale was a tad dry, and the enchilada could've used more cheese. Tucson Weekly