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How To Use Shyly In A Sentence

  • He ducked his head shyly, bangs curtaining and hiding his face.
  • Urged forward, Emily entered the house, smiling shyly at the man who wished her a dignified "Good day 'in English and added," I shall fetch mevrouw: you are expected, mynheer. The Fateful Bargain
  • Bald, bespectacled and soft-spoken to a fault, he looks less hip than shyly professorial.
  • “Dinner is served, milady,” he called shyly, grinning at me. Dark Angel
  • Shyly, almost painfully, he tells her that he loves her.
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  • I look shyly at the man at my side.
  • Ibsen was now beginning, rather shyly, very craftily, to invest money; he even found himself in frequent straits for ready coin from his acute impatience to set every rix-dollar breeding. Henrik Ibsen
  • When, one by one, all of his women patients stopped doing the work of free association that they had at first enthusiastically taken up and began shyly and then importunely to declare their love for him, he shrewdly surmised that it was not 'the charms of my person' that were the cause of the disturbance but, rather, that the women were in a state of readiness to fall in love, and he was simply Bottom to their Titania. The Patient Is Always Right
  • ‘Just a gift,’ he said, shyly, as she unwrapped the handkerchief, revealing a few satin ribbons in pastel shades of blue and pink.
  • A tall white bed reposed shyly by the lonely window.
  • He stands listening quietly to another music of his own world, shyly doing a namaste or shaking hands and looking embarrassed if called upon to respond.
  • Evenings we attacked dinner, surprised at how often we japed and laughed; afterward we took our ease before a stone fireplace, in dimness that burning pine logs made flickery fragrant, and talked more seriously, traded memories, thoughts, and-shyly at first-dreams. Explorations
  • He grinned rather shyly at us, baring an impressive row of gold teeth, but clearly did not know what to do with the gadget.
  • They would have walked huddled, enamoured of each other's smell, holding hands and even kissing hurriedly and shyly in the twilight's cover.
  • They were blushing and shyly ducking their veiled heads. Seminary Boy
  • The part of her hair that was above the water was almost completely dry and the hair under the water shyly shielded most of her breasts from view, although part of one blushing pink nubbin peeked out from beneath its dark shroud.
  • He glances around shyly, perhaps looking for someone.
  • They were blushing and shyly ducking their veiled heads. Seminary Boy
  • He's friendly, kind of shyly sweet and really not very charismatic. Forget The Prez Race -- The Real Oregon Contest To Watch Is Colorful Senate Primary
  • The counterperson seemed shyly bemused by the fact someone had heard of the promotion. DOUBLE FREE FOOD ALERT | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • He tried to cast a weak, faint smile at me, and confusedly, shyly, I lowered my eyes.
  • Deb emerged from her cubicle, and shyly asked Gil's permission to eat two Portobello mushrooms and a spear of asparagus for dinner.
  • Assembling on the surgical ward for our first ward round, we were like snowmen on parade, with freshly starched white coats and stethoscopes shyly peeping from pockets.
  • Flirting shyly with that Spanish gigolo in the parking lot and then lumbering off to skinny-dip in the ocean with his fetching male student. Watch John Wayne in The Quiet Man: live!
  • Birdalone smiled on them somewhat shyly, and thanked them; but bade them spend as little time as might be on her arrayal. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • He was smiling shyly for the camera and standing behind him was the golden-haired Joseph.
  • A dozen girls in ruffled skirts stand, shifting their weight from foot to foot, gazing shyly at their reflections in the mirror.
  • While he lay thus, meditating upon his blessings, little brown cottontails would shyly frolic through the yard; a covey of white-topknotted blue quail would run past, in single file, twenty yards away; a _paisano_ bird, out hunting for tarantulas, would hop upon the fence and salute him with sweeping flourishes of its long tail. Sixes and Sevens
  • For a change this documentary did not have faceless people talking shyly with their faces blurred digitally.
  • One of my roomie sleeptalked every night when I was a freshman in the college. One night, he said shyly: "I'm pregnant. " Faint all of us!
  • The other stocking waves shyly from its precarious perch atop a tilted lampshade.
  • he smiled shyly
  • The kid shyly thanked me for the compliment (after a subtle prod from Dad) and then he continued jumping around.
  • Then there came the voices of the two children calling shyly outside the door, softly, with self-excited timidity: Women in Love
  • Beside roaring factories and in sequestered nooks on which deer and bear peer shyly from nearby leafy coverts, there have sprung up innumerable gardens.
  • On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant. Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine peachblow, her expression a happy one, tinged with reminiscence.
  • After she's had enough, she refuses my money and shyly tips me five bucks.
  • Lost for words, he looked shyly down at her, smiling sadly so that his dark eyebrows puckered into a frown.
  • Little green points are pushing through the flesh-coloured rinds of the saplings, and, here and there, a soft, crumpled leaf has shyly peeped from a maroon bud. Janey Canuck in the West
  • Her coarse black hair was pulled into two cute pigtails, and she smiled shyly.
  • O Mr. Fenton -- Gilbert," -- she pronounced his Christian name shyly, and in obedience to his reproachful look, -- "remember how short a time we have known each other. Fenton's Quest
  • As I recounted the joke to her, she flushed pink with pleasure and smiled shyly. Times, Sunday Times
  • They would have walked huddled, enamoured of each other's smell, holding hands and even kissing hurriedly and shyly in the twilight's cover.
  • The other stocking waves shyly from its precarious perch atop a tilted lampshade.
  • Hi, Liz," she said shyly.
  • The gorgeous, garish splendour of sunset pageantry flames out; the long shadows eagerly cover all; the kookaburras laugh their merry mocking good-night; the clouds fade to turquoise, green, and grey; the stars peep shyly out; the soft call of the mopoke arises in the gullies! My Brilliant Career
  • It ends with an almost purple description of a painting that, Ellen says "shyly," she painted for Portia "There is emphasis and urgency in the rendering. Undefined
  • But she smiled with a kind of confectionary sweetness on him; and, dropping an additional lump of sugar into his tea at the same moment, placed it for him beside herself; while he went and shook hands with his father, and then glancing shyly up at David Elginbrod
  • Her smiles as we shyly greeted each other stunned me into delirious, weak-kneed awe. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • One day, she might appear in the character of a devout young mother, peeping shyly from a giant mantilla as she explains the importance of the Virgin Mary.
  • He read speeches in a soft voice sometimes inaudible in the crowd, smiled shyly and waved as if in amazement at all the attention.
  • ‘My mum says we're twins,’ she lisped, shyly holding out her hand.
  • Even she, on her fifth try for the presidency, has shyly brought her boyfriend to the fore.
  • At first, they assemble a short distance away, shyly facing the adults, who wave, smile, say hello.
  • It was almost four in the afternoon when two oldsters faced off in the dusty tinku plaza, shuffling their feet almost shyly.
  • Had her shyly determined efforts to be friendly with the other quieter girls like herself been so thoroughly misinterpreted?
  • He said the name shyly, as if almost afraid to use it. Night World No. 1
  • As I recounted the joke to her, she flushed pink with pleasure and smiled shyly. Times, Sunday Times
  • She noticed me looking from the other side of the bar, smiled shyly and blushed, before sneaking another glance my way as she turned her back.
  • But watch again and something happens: you see a moment both sweet and wry as a couple shyly osculate in "The Kiss," a quiet dignity beneath the brawny bravado in "Sandow: The Strong Man. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • Uniformed schoolkids rush out to try for rolling high fives; farther outside town, they just stare shyly.
  • At first, they assemble a short distance away, shyly facing the adults, who wave, smile, say hello.
  • She stopped short; and then added shyly, with a kind of anxiousness in her wide dark gaze: "An expression, ma'am -- for Heaven. V. V.'s Eyes
  • Tor Edgar is a giant man peering out shyly from behind glasses bequeathed by John Lennon.
  • On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant. Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine 15)peachblow, her expression a happy one, 16)tinged with reminiscence.
  • A ruddy, white-haired old gentleman, cordial, cultivated, and a little shyly if gladly reminiscent, received me in the office of his ship chandlering store in Bay Street, Charleston. The Rise of Cotton Mills in the South
  • There were four or five pictures -- one, a bass-relief of Endymion, deep asleep, yet conscious in his dream that the moon is peeping shyly over his polished shoulder, had been copied from a famous original by Sophie herself. Bressant
  • Then, suddenly, as if she had just remembered her, Mother Drovski called Marie, who came shyly from the corner and stood before the two strange women. Katrinka: The Story of a Russian Child
  • I caught my first glimpses of wild rock wallaroos peering at us shyly from the safety of a rocky ledge.
  • He confirms this shyly, perhaps out of deference to his employer, who trained with White and later became his great rival.
  • Her eyes were downcast, and she did not look up as Molly drew shyly near. Wives and Daughters
  • The crowd applauded as the young girl stepped shyly forwards.
  • And he closed the privileged arm of the bridegroom round her waist, that had the yieldingness of the willow-branchlet, the flowingness of the summer sea-wave, and seemed as 'twere melting honey-like at the first gentle pressure; she leaning her head shyly on his shoulder, yet confiding in his faithfulness; it was that she was shy of the great bliss in her bosom, and was made timid by the fervour of her affection; as is sung: The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4
  • The cast line up beside one another, nudging one another shyly before launching into their story. Times, Sunday Times
  • When she was come on to the greensward she spake to Birdalone in a sweet voice, but thin with eld, and gave her the sele of the day; and Birdalone was somewhat afraid to see a newcomer, but she greeted her, drawing back a little from her shyly. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Many of the purses were handed to the Princess by children who curtsied shyly and shook hands.
  • The most telling piece of Block's works sits shyly under a window.
  • The cast line up beside one another, nudging one another shyly before launching into their story. Times, Sunday Times
  • These were a mother and a _backfisch_, and they looked shyly and sullenly at Mrs. Hilary and the other English-woman in the compartment. Dangerous Ages
  • A dozen girls in ruffled skirts stand, shifting their weight from foot to foot, gazing shyly at their reflections in the mirror.
  • Some children approached him shyly, accompanied by their parents.
  • She glanced shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
  • As I recounted the joke to her, she flushed pink with pleasure and smiled shyly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ah, Monsieur," shyly, "to tell you my name would be to frighten you away. The Puppet Crown
  • The sun glances shyly over the vaulted roof of the cave.
  • She brought herself to her knees on the bearskin mat, her face aglow with true Eve-light, and shyly unbuckled his heavy belt. The Son of the Wolf
  • He smiled at me, I shyly smiled back ‘Well that is I remembered you without that minging cut on your face.’
  • This guy asked me shyly for a glass of water.
  • They were blushing and shyly ducking their veiled heads. Seminary Boy
  • Children peer shyly from dark homes.
  • Wild as the birds in the sun-drenched trees, their children skulked shyly behind the sulky wheels or scuttled for the protection of the woodheap while their parents yarned over cups of tea, swapped tall stories and books, promised to pass on vague messages to Hoopiron Collins or Brumby Waters, and told the fantastic tale of the Pommy jackaroo on Gnarlunga. The Thorn Birds

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